Friday, December 14

the past week

I have been so lazy the past week
I actually had to search for my computer tonight because I haven't used it for so many days...
So what has happened the past week?

Kex got a new penguin, I am very happy about it

My adorable little sister took the batteries out of the clock claiming that "Just because it's a cheap clock doesn't mean it doesn't deserve a brake like everyone else" hahaha who thinks like that?

Only the bruises on the back of my knees after pole... 

We started wearing tacky sweaters at Kex. 
Everyone has to wear them.. this is the least tacky one, some others have stuff sticking out of them... very american movie-ish

& Christmas came to Kex!
How cozy! 

hahahah... oh dear, I can't really imagine a gay frog or something

Oh my god & yesterday night was so romantic, there was a meteor shower, or more like a hundred of them. Went out and laid down in the grass & watched it at 2 am. Never mind the fact that I was already sick and got even more sick after that stunt... Some things are just worth it. 

Tuesday, December 11

Book a trip now!!

hey hey hey!!

Attention Icelandic people...

If you're planning on going somewhere abroad within the first 6 months of 2013 I'd recommend buying it as a "christmas gift" for yourself now..

With WOW air. Click here
  • I'm not sure until when you can purchase the ticket 
  • You have to book the flight from the 20. December until the 10. february. After that it's just a gift certificate for that amount.. 
  • You can travel from the 10th of January until the 10th of June (that day being the last arrival day back in Iceland)
  • Go to Copenhagen or London for 22900
  • Go to Berlin, Stuttgart or Dusseldorf for 26900
  • Bags not included. 

With Iceland air. Click here
  • You can buy the tickets until 18:00 the 24th of December. 
  • You have from the 20th of Dec until the 11th of Jan to book the your ticket. 
  • You have to fly from the 10th of Jan until the 15th of April 2013
  • They have more variety, you can choose;
    • Europe 1. - 31900kr. (London, Manchester, Glasgow, Gatwick, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki)
    • Europe 2. - 35900 kr (Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Munchen, Paris)
    • America 1. - 54900kr (New York, Boston, Toronto)
    • America 2 -64900kr ( Seattle, Denver)

It's actually also good if you're from any of those places and want to visit Iceland. 

This is really as cheap as the tickets are ever going to get. Trust me, I should know I check flight tickets more than I check my facebook messages...

Even with the cheapest offers (which are the ones that you have only 24 hours to decide where and when to go) these are slightly cheaper, and you have enough time to decide now so... GO GO GO 

Monday, December 3

pole fitness

Yaay, I'm back!!

It's so much fun I could spend hours there! It's also insanely difficult, bruises all over!!

I'm just happy people look at it differently now than some years ago, I'd probably be doing it anyways, but it's more fun when people don't think you're the fast track to becoming a stripper hahah! 

the most fun thing about it though is how fast you learn stuff, within the first 3 classes you'll definitely be able to hang upside down & spin in circles while letting go with your hands. Probably even in the first, but I guess it depends on your instructor

anyhow, I recommend trying it out at least, it's surprisingly fun! :D

p.s. pole dancing and pole fitness is not even close to being the same! 

what would you do?

I was watching this like crazy last week! I think it's because I don't want to study and this makes me feel a bit better about it because it's at least a bit related to psychology...

So anyways, they hire actors to do something that goes against our ethics & then they record peoples reactions..

They do this with all sorts of stuff...
unwanted flirtation
a waitress hitting on your boyfriend/girlfriend right in front of you
a dad rejecting her daughters boyfriend because he's black
bum bashing (the intro into that one seriously made me cry)

We all think we'd be the ones doing something & standing up but actually when all comes to all nobody does anything... We all look around pretending everything is alright to see if anyone else is reacting. & since everyone else is doing the exact same thing all you'll find is others being calm, when in fact they're doing the same as you thinking "wait, should i do something??" So basically at the end we are tricking ourselves into thinking everything is ok.... does that make any sense??

Here's one episode.. people actually walk past a kid that's lost. You'd like to think that if your kid would get lost someone would stop on the street and see if it's alright... buuut as it turns out almost nobody does.

I just went from one video to the next from the suggestions at the end of each video..

have fun!

Thursday, November 29

Photoshoot with Guðbjörg

My friend Guðbjörg was doing her final project before graduating photography. She had this really artistic idea to combine pictures of me & something that's related to me. 

So, in the three pictures of me she photoshopped trees, the sky, a dock, the ocean, birds & a bit of my house. All in all it kinda represents freedom, which in my opinion is the most important thing in life. 

I really like the outcome, she's going to be a great photographer! 

Here's a link to her site where you can see more of her pictures :) 

Keep an eye out for her ladies & gentlemen!! 

Tuesday, November 27

F*** you house

Hahaha gotta love Reykjavík

Monday, November 26

he he he

Yesterday while looking for pictures of me & my sister together I stumbled upon so many random pictures, I have no clue why I saved them.

hahaha oh lennon! 

A shower of 27 minutes... 
25 minutes = reflections & deep thoughts about the meaning of life & the universe
2 minutes = actually cleaning yourself 

oh dear italy!

Funny point

sheldon sheldon sheldon

Oh my god I really need one of those ! If I'm alone in the house, I simply don't wake up

hooow ironic...

oh, sorry about the italian posts... 
Q: What do we want??
A: A cure for laziness 
Q: And when do we want it??

oh sweden!

This shit does NOT work! :(


Saturday, November 24

Happy birthday sys!

Yesterday my little sister (although she's taller than me now) turned 14 years old! 
I am so proud of that girl & can't believe how fast she's growing up

hahaha how cute!

2010 just after I moved back from Italy

the face our brother was desperate to teach us. 
I mastered it

From her birthday :))

dad's wedding. 
They're getting married in the background and we're just sitting there looking at stuff haha! 

Denmark last year


Legoland at a 7D movie.... where is this going to end??

& 2 of our primadonna yesterday

sibling row!

This is the one that she posted on my wall last month when it was my birthday! 
she's way better than me finding old pictures of us, I could only find the ones after 2008 when everything went digital in my world

& the last one, taken yesterday. Oh god look at that face, I'm going to be driving her everywhere armed with pepper spray to keep the guys away.

she's one of the bigger reasons why I miss Iceland when I'm away, I wish I could take her with me everywhere, but it's not legal for me yet haha!

anyways, happy birthday sys!
Ti amo!

Thursday, November 22


Just had my hair colored.

Actually it was like 3 days ago, I just haven't gotten used to it myself. When I'm walking in a parking lot I avoid looking towards car windows because its weird seeing my own reflection. 

I think blonde hair looks so much more delicious! specially with curls 

It's so dark outside, the exams are starting and it's so cold that making something brighter in my life seemed to make sens. 
However, I'm not really sure it suits me, I haven't made my mind up yet....

+ I'm going to saudi arabia in less than 40 days, heeh.. oh well maybe with the blonde hair they'll be willing to pay more for me than 12 camels like last time in Marocco... 

Wednesday, November 21


How do you know it's cold outside and it's not just you whining?? 

When people start walking on water!!

There are actually more people walking on the water than on the sidewalk ! 

These were the best. They just had skates on their shoulders, came to the pond and changed into skates and took some moves while passing over. How cute!

How did the first person that walked over know that it was frozen enough?? 

I know this is normal for Iceland, & other cold countries... I guess I've just been living too long abroad so I find this hilarious! 

Lava covered with Ice... ironic 

& this is only the beginning, before I know it everything will be covered with snow :( has it always been this cold in Iceland in the winter? 

Today I even parked my car illegally right outside the school. I was sitting in my car studying because it was too cold to walk from where ever I would find a free parking space and into the school library. I Parked close to get access to the internet hahaha

I am the lowest of the low