Thursday, June 28

beautiful mess

In the last 2  years I have been told by three different guys that this song reminds them of me... should I be concerned??

Tuesday, June 26

"Háskólinn hefur samþykkt umsókn þína"

The University of Iceland has just accepted you application.

I was SO extremely happy, until I read past the first line and realized I also have to pay, then I went online to check on my subjects and saw how much my books cost. I managed to go from excited to nervous in under 5 minutes. One book costs as much as a one way ticket to Copenhagen does... how am I ever going to finish the whole 5 years when I keep comparing all prices with flight tickets. I could be going circles around the world... 

Of course then I had to realize that I also have no car to get to the university if I'll be living far away and no apartment to live in close to it. It has to be some kind of a record how fast I managed to go from happy to nervous!

After some hours of talking to mom & dad and whining about how I have no clue what I'm going to do with myself they helped me reach the conclusion that it will all work out eventually. Maybe a good idea for me to start studying psychology. I'll then maybe manage to psychoanalyze myself and maybe, just MAYBE I'll manage to stop stressing so much and get rid of an ulcer, or two... or maybe just all four of them. 

Now that I've taken my stress out I'm excited to start going to school again. I haven't been to a classroom in ages and the other day when I was reading my graduation papers I found out I had finished 90 credits out of 140 online. Insane! but what was even worse was when Gulli started calculating how much I'd paid for all those online classes. I could have taken a whole self-finding-what-not journey around the world like in that eat, pray, love movie with all that money. Of course the reason why I took it online in the first place was because I was travelling, so not like I can afford complaining. 

I'm also going to enjoy reading about other peoples problems, realizing how many psychopaths are out there. When ever my ex will now tell me that I'm crazy I can know for sure it could be worse and that my problems aren't even close to being worth discussing with all the craziness going on in the world... 

p.s. I found out that I've actually over come my fear of spiders. I have Australia to thank for that, and maybe a bit Adams house that had been over taken by spiders while we were away. For the first time tonight I saw a spider coming from underneath my bed and didn't freak out, I simply gave it a little "ohhh" and then squished it with the sunscreen Sunna forgot at my house. Then I of course left it there as a reminder to not step there since I'm in no mood to pick up a body right now...


Monday, June 25


I'm always hearing about the unemployment, how ridiculously hard it is go get a job and how if you're going to get one you should be prepared to wait forever, especially if it's in the middle of the summer. ble bla blegh!

I got so nervous thinking I'd end up not getting a job and living in a cardboard box for the rest of my life. So I translated my cv, printed out like 40 copies (dead serious!) put on my please-hire-me-sweater, thinking I'd walk between places begging them to look at it and give me a chance.

First place I went to had just hired someone that was still in training but were gonna contact me later in the summer.
The second, third AND fourth place ALL said yes to me and wanted me back within a week to see how I like the place..
After that I decided not to take my cv to any more places unless I want my work this summer to be trials in random places hahaha!

Had I known it would only take me ONE day to get a job I'd probably have relaxed in the hot tub for a few more days. 

Anyhow, now I have 36 copies of my CV that it doesn't seem like I'm going to be needing so much and I have no clue what to do with them. I could always start handing them out on dates, to avoid awkward getting-to-know-you-chit-chat...  you'd call me back after that right?

now I'm actually going to go prepare, I have one more place where I want to apply for a job before I start taking decisions between the places.

wish me luck

Friday, June 22


Moved back to Iceland !! 

The last week has been crazy! I decided to move to Iceland within a day before I left Sweden and now ever since I came home I haven't spent more than one hour by myself relaxing, I'm always running around endlessly doing stuff. 

I'm going to be living in Iceland at least for the summer, although I have a feeling it's going to be even longer than that. 

I drove again on the right side of the road for the first time in a long while, which wasn't so hard. However after less than 10 minutes driving, the stick that switches between p, r & d got disconnected WHILE I was trying to park into a parking space. My dad of course came to the rescue and taught me how to change between P, R & M  going through the hood of the car.
I then had to be like a complete idiot;
opening the hood and changing to P
going back into the car and turn it on
go out again and change from P to D 
going back into the car driving a little forward
going back out again and turning into R
back into the car and reversing it a little bit
back out to put it into D to drive away
Praying to god I'd never get into a situation where I have to use R until my dad fixed it! 

Right before I started doing all of that though I thought of all the people walking past the car and what they'd think when they'd see someone like me putting my hand into the hood of the car to fix something. I really don't look like the type that knows anything about my car besides the color of it. 
Anyhow, I got really cocky thinking I'd shock everyone with my car-fixing talents... I go to start the whole process and realize that while my dad was explaining everything to me I forgot to ask him how to open the hood. So the next guy walking past I had to ask if he could open my hood for me. Way to be cool with the whole "I know what I'm doing" thing going on 

Now since apparently jobs are impossible to find I better start looking, 
Wish me luck!! 

Zoo & Legoland

We went to the Zoo & Legoland when we were in Denmark, here are some pictures



There was actually one thing that really annoyed me in Legoland and that was how many people were smoking! Seriously, what's wrong with you? In this one line where we had to wait around 30 minutes, there was a couple in front of us that smoked twice JUST while standing in that line (FYI they were there alone, without a kid)... 
You see how there is no cigarette disposal anywhere? yeah, that's because you're not ethically supposed to be smoking in a place made for and surrounded by kids!  

I get annoyed in general when people are smoking but that was just too much, good thing I was in a wonderful mood, else I would have gone all loca bitch on them! for crying out loud stop smoking! 

Thursday, June 14

high heels; nono

Can someone please bring into Icelandic fashion partying in flats? 

We went out tonight and were all wearing flats. For the first I felt 2x less drunk since walking became 2x easier, there was no risk of any of us breaking our ankles, walking home actually became a possibility instead of taking a cab plus dancing was WAY more fun! 

I'd love going out like this every time, you can't even imagine how nice it is until you've tried it. you feel so liberated it's amazing. 

If you're still too prima donna to give up the high heels then at least order this from H&M. It's the best invention ever. A really small bag with fold-able ballerina shoes inside so when your walking home you grab these out of your bag, hold your high heels and voila; walking becomes easy again. + they only cost 5 euros!

Btw. downtown as soon as someone knew we were 5 Icelandic girls everything went crazy, like italians towards salami. 
Evidently danish guys are crazy for Icelandic girls. Why I asked? Well, because they're all beautiful and easy.
Well done girls... seriously; way to go! When guys Sönderborg know this as a fact its time to relax & keep it in your pants.

Now addý looks soo cozy in bed I want to go to sleep too, about time also it's 6:14 in the morning & I only have one day to recuperate before we go to Legoland on Saturday! vuhuuu 

Wednesday, June 13


Today we took a bus over to Flensburg, we only missed two before we actually caught one but but... 

She fell asleep EVERYWHERE... & when the bus stopped we almost had to carry her out so we would make it out on time! hahaha


miss fab 

my silly sister, she walked all over the place saying and doing very inappropriate things! she asked me for example really loudly "Hey, everyone's gonna get really offended if I talk about HITLER, right? shhhhhh agnes!! 

a café named after friends... we thought it should be named Central Perk instead

the lazy one that refused to go anywhere unless she was carried 

Where the car was parked, ladies only parking space. They tried to do this in Iceland some time ago and everything went nuts because of equal rights blablabla

in the store of the german/danish border, wine tasting going on haha

Really nice day, especially because of the people I spent it with. 
One thing that surprised me though was how NOBODY talked english, I tried asking around 10 people very basic questions like asking the bus driver "when does the next bus go to Flensburg?" and he looked at me like I was crazy. Sorry you're the crazy one not understanding something so basic! 
Or like when Agnes wanted to find a smaller sweater in H&M and I pointed at the sweater and asked "Where is smaller?" and again I got a look from her like I just asked her to explain to me the purpose of life! 

It was pretty nice to be back in Denmark though, I get so easily used to being somewhere so I feel relieved getting back to denmark even if I've only spent 2 days here so far. I feel at home everywhere but at the same time I don't feel at home anywhere. It's a really weird feeling, I'm not so sure if I like it or not.... maybe some day I'll settle down somewhere and have all my clothes and stuff in the same country, that would be a nice change hahah! 

Oh well, my little sister Agnes has been keeping us all entertained ever since I came here, saying one silly thing after another, she told me the water in denmark is dry, she was mad that the cardigans stole a song from justin bieber, not believing that it might actually be the other way around, nono.. she is such a character. I wish I'd have a camera on her 24/7, she'd sell more movies than Borat. 
Now she's gotten the idea that she really wants to see Slumdog Millionaire, she has no clue what it's about what so ever but she's been whining ever since I came here that she really wants to see it. So that's what we're going to be doing tonight haha!

have a good night, what's left of it! 


Tuesday, June 12



Guess where I am... If the title didn‘t give it away I‘ll give you a hint; I‘m in a country where everyone talks like they‘re chocking on a hot potato.

I took a train this morning from Sweden & just arrived in Copenhagen, now I‘ll just have to wait for a train to take me down to Sönderborg. My two wonderful sisters are already there visiting my dad‘s sister. Under one roof there is going to be me, my sisters, my aunt, my cousin and my best friend. Seriously, could I ask for more?  Going to be interesting to see how this week is going to go though, this many girls in one house can’t be a recipe for anything good. 

I love surprises and yesterday when Addý asked me if I wanted my sisters to know I was coming I thought it might be cool to not tell them and just show up. Addý is going to come pick me up at the train-station and I‘m thinking I‘ll give her my camera to record when I meet my sisters, it‘s been around half a year since I saw them last! Now let‘s just hope they will show some reaction, haha would suck to record them just sitting still going „oh, hey katrin”. If there’s no video here soon it’s either because I don’t know how to upload it or because they didn’t show any reaction

2 hour train ride finished, now a 4 hour takes over.

I am seriously starting to think there’s something wrong with me, how can anyone spend as much time travelling, sitting in trains, busses and flights and not lose their minds? Oh well, guess I should just be grateful!

Anyways here comes my train to Sönderborg.


Monday, June 11

Heija Sverige!

I moved to Sweden! 

Finally after so much travelling I'm arrived in Sweden and for once I'm planning on staying here, for now at least! 

We're gonna live in A's town Hällevik, it's so cozy it's going to be amazing spending the summer here. Adam has been talking about the Swedish summer for as long as I've known him so now I'll finally get to see what the fuzz is about! jeeei 

The "little" house where we live, actually not little at all, just seem so in comparison to the big house in the front.

So far in Sweden I've been working with selling strawberries, how random. In one week I went from helping injured penguins in Australia to selling strawberries in Sweden, what's next? selling cats in rio? maybe a little camel training in africa? hahaha we'll see.

Selling the strawberries at least is really nice, I get to sit out in the good weather the whole day and when someone buys from me I get to practice my Swedish, perfect! 

Anyways, the last week has been a huge mess, so much going on that I don't really know whats turning up and what's turning down, and when we finally had some free time we went to the Sweden Rock Festival, I'll put some pictures of that here tonight or tomorrow! 

Nice to be back in the same time zone as everyone again, I'm not quite used to it though, I've been on facebook for two hours and didn't even notice the facebook sound, I've almost forgotten it since there was never anyone online at the same time as me in Australia.

Now I'm going to go to sleep, I just thought I'd let people know I've moved across the world! 

Leaving Australia

I haven‘t blogged for way to long, I‘m very sorry. I bet there are many sad & confused people out there.

In 5 days I managed to do more than you can imagine.
  • Spent 68 hours travelling 
  • Went through 6 airports
  • Flew with 4 flights
  • Took 2 busses
  • Took 1 train
  • Read a whole book by Nicolas Sparks
  • Threw away around 10 kg because of overweight
what stupid airline company checks hand-luggage anyways? haha terrible waste of perfumes, creams, high heels and clothes. :(

It was so terribly hard leaving Australia & all the people. We were in such a hurry though so in a way I didn't have time to be sad; pack, clean, sell, book tickets and boom! I was in a 12 hour flight leaving Australia.
At the same time though it became especially hard to leave because everyone was so insanely nice and helpful doing literally anything to make things easier for us.  

I also had to say goodbye to my penguins & that alone was one of the hardest things I've ever done. By coincidence there had been a break-in and two penguins were stolen the day before I let them know I was leaving, so unfair. If anyone, it should have been me stealing them! :( 

The gang plus kids in Rolz's mancave! haha

I had to middle land in Brunei, granted I only saw the airport but they didn‘t even have toilets, only a fancy hole in the ground. If the airport is like that it would be interesting to know how it would be in the actual town, haha!

I was thirsty and this was the most normal thing I could find. Tasted weird as and I still have no clue what it is.

The next flight I took wasn‘t so good, there came some turbulence, which I always love. Except this time it was a little bit too much, the emergency lights came on, flight attendances flying all over the place & the captain telling us to keep calm until further notice. All I thought was „oh this is just perfect, now I‘m going to die!“

Then there was a middle landing in Dubai, which honestly I didn‘t even know about so I was pretty shocked when the plane was all of a sudden landing. Spending some hours in Dubai made me feel better about the horrible plane-ride though, grown-up men everywhere dressed like big babies. Plus I was pretty tired & in the stage where everything gets funny.
Hands down though dubai int airport was the cleanest airport ever! I wasn‘t expecting to land so I didn‘t have my shoes on and walked through the whole airport in my white socks. I swear my socks were cleaner after having spent an hour walking around.

On the way to melbourne. I spent hours looking out the window looking at Australian bunch of nothing!

Now I'm finally arrived though, with 80% battery left on my ipad & 100% on my computer from a 68 hour journey… hahaha Im obviously getting a little bit too used to travelling 