Tuesday, June 26

"Háskólinn hefur samþykkt umsókn þína"

The University of Iceland has just accepted you application.

I was SO extremely happy, until I read past the first line and realized I also have to pay, then I went online to check on my subjects and saw how much my books cost. I managed to go from excited to nervous in under 5 minutes. One book costs as much as a one way ticket to Copenhagen does... how am I ever going to finish the whole 5 years when I keep comparing all prices with flight tickets. I could be going circles around the world... 

Of course then I had to realize that I also have no car to get to the university if I'll be living far away and no apartment to live in close to it. It has to be some kind of a record how fast I managed to go from happy to nervous!

After some hours of talking to mom & dad and whining about how I have no clue what I'm going to do with myself they helped me reach the conclusion that it will all work out eventually. Maybe a good idea for me to start studying psychology. I'll then maybe manage to psychoanalyze myself and maybe, just MAYBE I'll manage to stop stressing so much and get rid of an ulcer, or two... or maybe just all four of them. 

Now that I've taken my stress out I'm excited to start going to school again. I haven't been to a classroom in ages and the other day when I was reading my graduation papers I found out I had finished 90 credits out of 140 online. Insane! but what was even worse was when Gulli started calculating how much I'd paid for all those online classes. I could have taken a whole self-finding-what-not journey around the world like in that eat, pray, love movie with all that money. Of course the reason why I took it online in the first place was because I was travelling, so not like I can afford complaining. 

I'm also going to enjoy reading about other peoples problems, realizing how many psychopaths are out there. When ever my ex will now tell me that I'm crazy I can know for sure it could be worse and that my problems aren't even close to being worth discussing with all the craziness going on in the world... 

p.s. I found out that I've actually over come my fear of spiders. I have Australia to thank for that, and maybe a bit Adams house that had been over taken by spiders while we were away. For the first time tonight I saw a spider coming from underneath my bed and didn't freak out, I simply gave it a little "ohhh" and then squished it with the sunscreen Sunna forgot at my house. Then I of course left it there as a reminder to not step there since I'm in no mood to pick up a body right now...


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