Monday, June 11

Leaving Australia

I haven‘t blogged for way to long, I‘m very sorry. I bet there are many sad & confused people out there.

In 5 days I managed to do more than you can imagine.
  • Spent 68 hours travelling 
  • Went through 6 airports
  • Flew with 4 flights
  • Took 2 busses
  • Took 1 train
  • Read a whole book by Nicolas Sparks
  • Threw away around 10 kg because of overweight
what stupid airline company checks hand-luggage anyways? haha terrible waste of perfumes, creams, high heels and clothes. :(

It was so terribly hard leaving Australia & all the people. We were in such a hurry though so in a way I didn't have time to be sad; pack, clean, sell, book tickets and boom! I was in a 12 hour flight leaving Australia.
At the same time though it became especially hard to leave because everyone was so insanely nice and helpful doing literally anything to make things easier for us.  

I also had to say goodbye to my penguins & that alone was one of the hardest things I've ever done. By coincidence there had been a break-in and two penguins were stolen the day before I let them know I was leaving, so unfair. If anyone, it should have been me stealing them! :( 

The gang plus kids in Rolz's mancave! haha

I had to middle land in Brunei, granted I only saw the airport but they didn‘t even have toilets, only a fancy hole in the ground. If the airport is like that it would be interesting to know how it would be in the actual town, haha!

I was thirsty and this was the most normal thing I could find. Tasted weird as and I still have no clue what it is.

The next flight I took wasn‘t so good, there came some turbulence, which I always love. Except this time it was a little bit too much, the emergency lights came on, flight attendances flying all over the place & the captain telling us to keep calm until further notice. All I thought was „oh this is just perfect, now I‘m going to die!“

Then there was a middle landing in Dubai, which honestly I didn‘t even know about so I was pretty shocked when the plane was all of a sudden landing. Spending some hours in Dubai made me feel better about the horrible plane-ride though, grown-up men everywhere dressed like big babies. Plus I was pretty tired & in the stage where everything gets funny.
Hands down though dubai int airport was the cleanest airport ever! I wasn‘t expecting to land so I didn‘t have my shoes on and walked through the whole airport in my white socks. I swear my socks were cleaner after having spent an hour walking around.

On the way to melbourne. I spent hours looking out the window looking at Australian bunch of nothing!

Now I'm finally arrived though, with 80% battery left on my ipad & 100% on my computer from a 68 hour journey… hahaha Im obviously getting a little bit too used to travelling 

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