Tuesday, May 29

too optimistic?

Time optimistic 

What the hell is wrong with me, seriously? Why can I never be on time for anything, ever! 

This morning I was supposed to meet maddy for coffee at 9am, I woke up right before 7 because I was going to make A pancakes for breakfast and drive him to work so I would have the car.
At 8 min to 9 I find myself running around the apartment, I still hadn't eaten any breakfast, was not ready and on top on everything else I had no clue where I was going to meet her! 

How ?
I'm such a time optimist, I always calculate wrong how much time I need. If I'm supposed to be somewhere in 20 minutes and I know it takes 10 minutes driving there I will still leave the house 10 min to.
I never even so much as consider the fact that it maybe takes only 10 minutes driving there once I've hit the main road, or the fact that once I'm there I'll also have to look for parking and never EVER do I think of the fact that once I'm outside the house I still have to walk in (maybe from far away if there is no parking).

Setting my watch wrong only works on me two times out of six thousand, and having Adam over me screaming that I have to get ready also doesn't make me hurry at all, just makes me like him less. 

Charging optimist. 

I always think the battery of everything will last forever, at the moment my computer is battery dead along with the ipod, the Ipad is only on because I have it plugged in as I'm writing and my phone has been off for hours. 
I can't imagine how many times my family or friends have been mad at me because I'm impossible to reach, even when Adam and I just started going out my mom asked me for his number because else she would never find me. Sometimes she even called him before even trying to call me... awkward when your first starting to go out but oh well he's still with me so it can't have bothered him that much.

I refuse to believe that this is laziness, because I will arrive, just always fashionably late, classic 10 minutes. Not because I started preparing too late, believe me I could have 2 days to prepare and still be 10 minutes late.

From now on I'm always going to start going 5....even 10 minutes earlier than I would actually go 

Now I'm gonna get back to the dragon, seize the last moments I have with her/him? hahaha

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