Thursday, May 10

Adams birthday

Adams birthday!

Finally the day I’ve been waiting for so many weeks, Adams 23rd birthday! I think I’ve been more excited about this than he has; I had already decided what to get him 2 months ago and ordered it from Iceland (Ironic since when I’m in Iceland I never find stuff there and end up ordering stuff from other countries) I then had my mom pick it up & send it to me when it was ready and it only arrived yesterday, perfect timing but I have been worried sick that it wouldn’t come in time. 

I have been so nervous that not everything works out perfect today, the thing is that here in Australia it’s only Adam & I so on days like these there’s a lot of pressure! If my gift doesn’t arrive on time; he gets no gift, if my cake burns; he gets no cake… of course I could always run to the store and buy a cake but that’s beside the point!

But as it turns out I am great at baking cakes and at midnight when Adam was already asleep I went into the bedroom with the cake singing the birthday song, I wanted to sing it in Swedish, but I was so tired I could hardly remember the Icelandic version.

This morning I then made him pancakes and put Nutella between them, oh my god it’s the best breakfast I’ve ever had, didn’t know I could make pancakes either.

When he then finally came home from work I had filled the apartment with balloons, that took me one and a half hour to blow because I was about to faint like 18 times haha!

I had also turned the whole place into a big treasure hunt, leaving little notes all over the place with clues where to find the next note and so on, when he had then found all 20 he had to puzzle them together (I had written one word on the back of each note so they made a sentence) and then FINALLY he got his present!

Adam trying to find the most romantic film in the house, found one note in the frozen chicken nuggets, one in the car and then on the last one he's looking for the "special balloon" with the next clue on it. funfunfunfun! hahahah

To finish the day we wanted to go out to eat and see a movie, we drove for one and a half hour up to Adelaide, got lost and spent the next hour driving in circles! When we finally found the shopping center we had missed the last movie, the restaurants were closed and even the big game room we loved so much had closed, we ended up eating the birthday dinner at hungry jacks (Australian version of burger king). 

Not exactly the way I had pictured the night : (

When I was taking a picture of Adam in the shopping center a security guard stopped me and asked me if I was allowed to be taking a picture of him. “uh, of him? Yes, I’d think so, that’s my boyfriend” what kind of a question is that?! hahah

Over all though the day was great, I think now it's time for me to start planing next years birthday!

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