Saturday, May 19

tips for girls.

  • Stand next to a window -  If you're stopping to take a break, try to always stop right outside a store or anywhere you can see your own reflection in the window. This way it will be harder to steal something from your bag without you noticing. 
  • Towel & Sweater -  Take with you a large thin sweater (preferably with a hood) & a small towel, when your waiting for a train, flight or have to take a power nap in a place where you'd prefer not touching anything they will come in handy. Just put the sweater on and the towel on the floor and relax or take a nap without actually having to touch anything. Just remember to make sure these two items are in the outer compartments of your bag so they don't make anything else dirty & so they're easily accessible. They will come in handy when you least expect them so don't dig them in the middle of your bag.
  • Wiggle - If you're f.ex. queuing with people tight up against you on both sides, start wiggling a bit, not like your getting a seizure though, just small movements. If you do this you'll feel better if someone is fiddling with your bag & it gets way harder for them to unzip your bag smoothly. 
  • Be rude - Sounds horrible, BUT sometimes you can't be little miss nice girl. I learned that the hard way, at 11:30pm in the middle of Budapest! Sofia & I stupidly answered a man talking to us, probably took us an hour to get rid of him. Obviously in our case he didn't turn out to be a serial killer but you never know! Always just go by your guts, if you don't feel like talking to someone, then don't. 
  • Fake wedding rings - Seriously, have one with you. When you go out at night it's a great way to keep (at least some) unwanted attention away. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that every guy that will lay eyes on me instantly falls in love and won't take no for an answer but in some countries the pushiness of the guys will surprise you, don't believe me? visit italy! Of course if it so happens that you meet someone you actually like then you can just make up a story that this is your mom's old engagement ring, a good luck charm. This is my ring here... 
  • Bathrooms - Great for sleeping in! hahah, sounds crazy but I can't even keep count for the times I've slept in public toilets. Think about it, it's the safest place to be (assuming your not using the only bathroom and having people waiting outside while you take a nap!) You can just go in to this little cubicle where you can lock yourself AND your bag in and nobody can get to you. Plus then the towel & sweater come in handy ;) Don't think I'm crazy because as I woke up one morning in Rome ready to catch my flight there was another girl in the bathroom that had been doing the same, we were both very awkward but it was good to know I'm not the only one!
  • Don't be lost -  ...or at least never make it noticeable. always just act like your on top of things. For gods sake don't play the stupid cute girl and ask some guy for directions, that's how you'll end up like in the movie "taken". Even though you don't always blend in where you are they don't know if your travelling or have lived there for 5 years, tourists are always the most vulnerable, that is assuming your out for the day without your backpack haha
  • Ask women - Referring to the point above, try to find a women or girl to ask for directions, specially if it is to your hostel. Unnecessary to let some guy know where you're staying since he might take it the wrong way.
  • Local newspaper - If you see a free local paper, even if it's about sheep, take it. The annoying watch selling guys on the streets will bother you less if they think you're local. 
  • Layer up - always always layer up! you never know how the weather is going to be so by wearing layers you can adjust easier to the weather without having to change your whole outfit.  
  • Plan the p-pill - If you're only going for less then a month make sure you won't have your period in that time. Even if it's 2 months just skip taking your brake and take the pill for 2 months straight, I do it all the time & it's completely safe, I've already asked 3 doctors. 
  • Go alone- Some alone time is good for you! In the beginning its going to be really awkward, you're going to be looking at your phone a lot pretending to have something to do but as soon as you get over that stage your going to love it. You meet heaps of new people you otherwise wouldn't & you can do whatever you want, whenever you want without consulting with someone.
  • Expensive stuff belongs inside the bag and/or in your purse - Some people suggest that you put everything you need to access easily in the top compartment of your bag. Ok, it is the most easily accessible compartment....but not only or you. It's also the easiest place to access for thieves. The things you need the most you should put in the purse you have on the front of you.
  • Garbage bag - If your backpack doesn't come with a little rain-jacket for it  you should have with you a folded garbage bag to whip over it in case it pours. 
  • Computer - Is a big NO NO ! trust me, you don't want to take it. You won't be able to charge it as much as you want and its a good feeling knowing that if someone steals your backpack while your away sightseeing they wont be taking anything worth more than 500$. If you really want to I'd recommend taking rather an Ipad :)
The best thing to do in my opinion is just to never have something with you that you can't bear to lose, this way you can stay chilled and not over worried all the time. 

Now I realize I've been making it all sound like there's someone on every corner out to get you, of course it's not like that. There's obviously no fun taking a trip if you don't meet any new people and don't do anything new, just make sure you do it smartly. 

Remember; Not everyone is bad! I met some of the most wonderful people I've ever met in my life in my trips.  The points above are more for you to generally keep in the back of your mind, just in case and shouldn't be read like the bible haha! 


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