Thursday, May 3

where's that accent from?

Every single day at work I get asked around 20 times, and I‘m not joking, the same question. „Where‘s that accent from?“ or occasionally „Where are you from?“ Am I really making it THATobvious? Hahaha of course it never ends there, when I answer „Iceland“ I can just see on their faces 30 new questions lining up. It amazes me how random their next questions are.
Many times I‘ve had a group of people on tables sigh when I tell them where im from, thats when they‘re making bets within the table who can guess the right country. Obviously no one ever wins. Today a table of girls had all agreed on that I just had to be Austrian, can‘t really imagine what they got that on, but they were really sure.
Usually though people guess that I‘m Irish (don‘t know though if thats based on the actuall accent or the red hair and freckles), scandinavian or german so they‘re usually not that far off.
I guess when your the only one different from everyone else somewhere after some weeks/months you just feel like your one of them and not different at all… I remember when I lived in Italy and people asked me where I was from before I even said a word I always got soshocked how they could possibly know I wasn’t Italian. Because in my eyes, I was just like them.
gorgeous sunset here in goolwa
Adam Scissor-hands, haha!
this cutie was with me yesterday when I was writing letters home
too much brick laying Adam? he tried to pick up an egg and this is what happened

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