Saturday, May 5

5 may

yesterday was so much fun!
I finished my last exam so that package was finally finished, thank god for that. 

Adam and I then drove straight to Adelaide, had amazing dinner at TGI fridays which was so delicious and filling I thought I wouldn't have to eat again for the rest of the weekend! Afterwards we went to the movies, the next one on was the avengers which was good & funny but just a little to long, only so much I can take of action hero movies and turns out 2 hours and 22 minutes just passed my limit. At least I felt well slept after the movie ended because of the nap I took during it... ups!

across from the movies we saw this huge room full of games, vuhuuu! you play games and the higher score you get the more tickets you get. So the first game we played was deal or no deal and in the first game we won the biggest prize and 400 tickets! 

holy shit! hahaha the tickets just kept on coming endlessly everyone looking at us and we were just thinking what the hell is this?! and what the hell do we do with it?! turns out when your finished, you can go and buy lots of crappy stuff for the tickets! guess what we got..

i'd like you to meet Sheldon. hahaha you can never have enough penguins

anyways, so tonight I've had the house all to myself since Adam is with the guys playing poker and watching the game, everything is so upside down here, the football games are in the middle of the night! Unfortunately though I can't really enjoy having all this space to myself since it gets so freezing here in the night that I can only stay in the room that has the heater.

now after having cozyied (is that a word?) myself in bed for hours I think I'm gonna get up from my ass and my overly heated room and go and watch the second half of the game with Adam and then get my man home! We'll need sleep since were going hiking tomorrow. 

good night, or good afternoon depending where you are I guess haha

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