Monday, June 11

Heija Sverige!

I moved to Sweden! 

Finally after so much travelling I'm arrived in Sweden and for once I'm planning on staying here, for now at least! 

We're gonna live in A's town Hällevik, it's so cozy it's going to be amazing spending the summer here. Adam has been talking about the Swedish summer for as long as I've known him so now I'll finally get to see what the fuzz is about! jeeei 

The "little" house where we live, actually not little at all, just seem so in comparison to the big house in the front.

So far in Sweden I've been working with selling strawberries, how random. In one week I went from helping injured penguins in Australia to selling strawberries in Sweden, what's next? selling cats in rio? maybe a little camel training in africa? hahaha we'll see.

Selling the strawberries at least is really nice, I get to sit out in the good weather the whole day and when someone buys from me I get to practice my Swedish, perfect! 

Anyways, the last week has been a huge mess, so much going on that I don't really know whats turning up and what's turning down, and when we finally had some free time we went to the Sweden Rock Festival, I'll put some pictures of that here tonight or tomorrow! 

Nice to be back in the same time zone as everyone again, I'm not quite used to it though, I've been on facebook for two hours and didn't even notice the facebook sound, I've almost forgotten it since there was never anyone online at the same time as me in Australia.

Now I'm going to go to sleep, I just thought I'd let people know I've moved across the world! 

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