Wednesday, June 13


Today we took a bus over to Flensburg, we only missed two before we actually caught one but but... 

She fell asleep EVERYWHERE... & when the bus stopped we almost had to carry her out so we would make it out on time! hahaha


miss fab 

my silly sister, she walked all over the place saying and doing very inappropriate things! she asked me for example really loudly "Hey, everyone's gonna get really offended if I talk about HITLER, right? shhhhhh agnes!! 

a café named after friends... we thought it should be named Central Perk instead

the lazy one that refused to go anywhere unless she was carried 

Where the car was parked, ladies only parking space. They tried to do this in Iceland some time ago and everything went nuts because of equal rights blablabla

in the store of the german/danish border, wine tasting going on haha

Really nice day, especially because of the people I spent it with. 
One thing that surprised me though was how NOBODY talked english, I tried asking around 10 people very basic questions like asking the bus driver "when does the next bus go to Flensburg?" and he looked at me like I was crazy. Sorry you're the crazy one not understanding something so basic! 
Or like when Agnes wanted to find a smaller sweater in H&M and I pointed at the sweater and asked "Where is smaller?" and again I got a look from her like I just asked her to explain to me the purpose of life! 

It was pretty nice to be back in Denmark though, I get so easily used to being somewhere so I feel relieved getting back to denmark even if I've only spent 2 days here so far. I feel at home everywhere but at the same time I don't feel at home anywhere. It's a really weird feeling, I'm not so sure if I like it or not.... maybe some day I'll settle down somewhere and have all my clothes and stuff in the same country, that would be a nice change hahah! 

Oh well, my little sister Agnes has been keeping us all entertained ever since I came here, saying one silly thing after another, she told me the water in denmark is dry, she was mad that the cardigans stole a song from justin bieber, not believing that it might actually be the other way around, nono.. she is such a character. I wish I'd have a camera on her 24/7, she'd sell more movies than Borat. 
Now she's gotten the idea that she really wants to see Slumdog Millionaire, she has no clue what it's about what so ever but she's been whining ever since I came here that she really wants to see it. So that's what we're going to be doing tonight haha!

have a good night, what's left of it! 


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