Tuesday, June 12



Guess where I am... If the title didn‘t give it away I‘ll give you a hint; I‘m in a country where everyone talks like they‘re chocking on a hot potato.

I took a train this morning from Sweden & just arrived in Copenhagen, now I‘ll just have to wait for a train to take me down to Sönderborg. My two wonderful sisters are already there visiting my dad‘s sister. Under one roof there is going to be me, my sisters, my aunt, my cousin and my best friend. Seriously, could I ask for more?  Going to be interesting to see how this week is going to go though, this many girls in one house can’t be a recipe for anything good. 

I love surprises and yesterday when Addý asked me if I wanted my sisters to know I was coming I thought it might be cool to not tell them and just show up. Addý is going to come pick me up at the train-station and I‘m thinking I‘ll give her my camera to record when I meet my sisters, it‘s been around half a year since I saw them last! Now let‘s just hope they will show some reaction, haha would suck to record them just sitting still going „oh, hey katrin”. If there’s no video here soon it’s either because I don’t know how to upload it or because they didn’t show any reaction

2 hour train ride finished, now a 4 hour takes over.

I am seriously starting to think there’s something wrong with me, how can anyone spend as much time travelling, sitting in trains, busses and flights and not lose their minds? Oh well, guess I should just be grateful!

Anyways here comes my train to Sönderborg.


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