Sunday, October 28

london ticket - check!

Oh what a good day. the final piece of my messy flight ticket cake has arrived... I FINALLY bought my last ticket for my trip in December.. 
the ticket from iceland to london and london to iceland are now in my inbox. jibbididú! 

I managed to make it so that I have some days in between arriving in london to when I have to leave, those days I'm going to use to meet my childhood friend Hannah. I can't wait... We we're best friends when we were growing up in Norway, met again in 2008 when I visited her in Norway, then in 2009 we went to France together and now we're meeting in Wales since she lives there studying psychology. Next will be meeting in Iceland, definitely !

(hahaha notice on my arm, I'm so subtle getting someones number..."here's a big black marker, why don't you just make a sleeve on my arm from your number")

I can't wait to go! I'm so not cut out for any of this, it's so cold and I feel like it's dark 24/7. I liked it way better when it was bright. You know when you wake up in the middle of the night and turn the light on in your room, you can feel that it's wrong in some way. You can feel that your only light source is coming from the light bulb, it's not just helping brightening up whats already semi bright.... well that's how it's starting to be here all the time now. does that even make sense?

It's so hard to get anything done when you always feel like you should be sleeping. just ends up with A LOT of naps, and I was the queen of naps even when it was bright!

on my most depressed moment Nathan sends me this picture he took on the way to work. palm trees, sun & summer. really?! kick me when I'm down why don't you! btw so funny how everything is wrong, he's sitting on the wrong side of the car, driving on the wrong side of the street. Silly australians..

Only good thing is that with winter comes christmas... except everyone is getting so overly excited already it's driving me nuts. IT'S OCTOBER FOR GOODNESS SAKE! you don't sing christmas songs already, getting all excited now just makes the wait so much longer. that's also why I don't like buying flight tickets so much in advance. When I get an idea in my head I want to perform it straight away, I don't want to wait 65 days and then get to do it! 

oh I find this so funny! as offensive as it is, what a great sense of humor hahaha!! 


In girl world, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girl can say anything about it.

One size fit all is refferring to any size of one person, it does not mean that it can fit all your friend group!! 
I saw so many friends together yesterday, that seemed like they were sharing one costume. Each and everyone wasn't wearing a whole dress, more like half a dress.....or even 1/3. 
I saw more asses underneath short clothes yesterday than I see when I go to the showers after gym.

Anyways, Halloween! Yay! 
I didn't even know there was a Halloween thing going on at work until I arrived, the only normally dressed person in the house. Oh no not to worry, my coworkers had already everything ready for me! 
a nun costume.
the bouncer thought it was very suiting, he is also the one that came up with calling me Sahara some weeks ago. Classy! at least it's better than him finding a prostitute costume suiting so I'll take it as a compliment

(looks like the dress is falling down on the picture, what? haha)

Well obviously the original costume didn't look exactly like this, it was huuge, but with the help of scissors and a bit of pulling and moderating the final outcome was nice. Then of course also the fake blood was great, the red food color however.. not so good! 
I slept in Reykjavík and to take a shower in the morning I went to the gym, since I was going to go there either way. Showing up with fake blood all over felt kinda silly..

some people were more original than others.. 
I gave her a drink for the effort she made

ok. this was the best tip ever!! If only everyone would start tipping with chocolate money!


I was going to take more pictures of awesome costumes but before I knew it the music stopped and the night was over! I really wanted to put more effort into my costume but talking on the phone and watching friends became a priority until I realized I was about to be late for work... oh well... next year ! 

Last year was fun... 

I was a hippie, again not so original because again then something other than preparing became a priority... I wish I had pictures from the years before that though, one year I was a garbage bag and another I was a red m&m. Those were the best! 

Friday, October 26


Don't let this great opportunity pass you by..
A 20 year old extremely tired student is on the edge of mental break down,
this would be a perfect opportunity to take advantage of her situation and offer to take the final exams for her...
due to her being desperate you will be able to get her to pay A LOT of money for your service!
email me @


p.s. being a psychology student is not a requirement, you don't even have to be that bright, anything is better than me right now. 

Tuesday, October 23

the week of nothing

The last weeks I have been the laziest person alive! Well, I've been going to the gym every day so not really physically lazy, but mentally. When it comes to any writing, reading or any other activity involving letters I throw up a bit in my mouth. ergo no blog. 
Today I realized I have reached a new low when I watched friends for the 13+ day in a row only to avoid the horror of choosing some film to watch (or worse... studying) which evidently would involve reading the casing or imdb, thinking it over, comparing it with other choices. No way, my brain is on a strike. 

I am horrible when it comes to leaving my clothes in a pile on the floor.  SO I have wanted one of these in forever!! Now the other day I wake up to my mom making noises in my room, I look up and there she is, like an angel, just arrived from ikea holding this!
So far I've only hung up the clothes that already had no place and were laying all over, so it will have more juicy choices when I finish 
I also took out the table in my room to make room for my clothes. 
Studying < Clothes

These are 3 glasses. How did I manage to break the one in the middle the most and then a bit the lowest one? I'm an artistic clutz, that's how! 

I'm driving back and forth to Reykjavík sooo much and getting bored on the way that I've taken up eating on the way and taking pictures out the window.... here's beautiful Icelandic nothing

yuck! yuck! yuck! I will never understand people that smoke... ever!! 

I'm babysitting this angel 2x a week... Now as wonderful as he is, he is also the best protection I know. I've found out I am way to selfish to have a kid. I want my naps at certain times and I am just in no way cut out for this... maybe when I'm 35!

I got this watch about 3 weeks ago, it's been a lot of fun... I couldn't set the time so whenever I was bored, waiting for something or nothing to do at work I would stand there trying to figure out how to set it. Now 3 weeks later I have finally set the watch and I feel like the purpose of it is gone. Now it does nothing except tell me the time, no entertainment anymore! :( 

More Icelandic nothing 

Driving...this is how you end up when you drive 2 hours a day, you stop bothering to use your hands

Nobody can say my week wasn't full of excitement, like you can see it was obviously very eventful, I've set a record on being on skype (my previous record was 5 hours in one sitting...ehm), I've eaten one and a half pizza all by myself twice, watched over 50 friends episodes and even gone every day to the gym, because everything is more fun than doing what I actually should be doing. STUDYING! 


Last week I got the weirdest migraine attack ever.. It's called an aura migraine and it's ridiculous. I wanted to cry because I seriously thought I was losing my mind but couldn't. I have been reading about all these different mental disabilities and I was sure I was somehow getting 10 of them at the same time. 
So the aura migraine has the weirdest effects on you. 
The symptoms are:

1. Blind or dark spots in the field of vision & distortions in the size or shape of objects

Like when you look into the sun, except the spots lasted for over 2 hours and my whole vision was like I was high.
This guy fakes the effects soo well! That's exactly how everything looks, except for me I get additional black spots. Funny in all the videos I found, the person would look at their hand which is what I do the majority of the time I get these attacks, or go and look at myself in the mirror to see how abstract I look. 
Also another way to put it is with one word ; picasso, at random times everything will look like a picasso painting, I'm sure he had a aura migraine attacks and just painted what he saw.

2. Heightened sensitivity to hearing & Someone speaking at a normal tone sounds like they are shouting loudly

First off I felt like I was in a bubble or underwater because I could hardly hear anything around me. Then all of a sudden everything gets extremely loud, the traffic sounds were horrible. Imagine turning your ipod on and the volume is maximized... your reaction would be to pull the headphones out of your ears... now imagine you can't so everything is just screaming at you

EXACTLY like these first 5 sec of this house promo...

3. and this sounds crazy but... Feeling separated from one's body & feeling as if the limbs are moving independently from the body.
This feels like when you've had a spinning class or jumped on a trampoline for ages and then try to walk normally. Everything is so funky and you feel like your not connected to what your feet are doing...Now imagine your whole body feeling like that for hours. 

4. being unable to understand or comprehend spoken words & being unable to speak properly, gibberish, despite the brain grasping what the person is trying to verbalize. 

Nothing made sense! I knew in my head what I was trying to say but when I started talking I could hear gibberish coming out of my mouth... I probably stopped 8 random people on the street trying to get help but I couldnt get the sentence out right.. I was aware that I wasn't making any sense but just like in these videos I couldn't stop myself because I was constantly trying to get back to talking normally.
here's a video of a news reporter getting an attack on live tv... 

aaand another...

(starts after 12 sec) it's actually so funny listening to people when they're like this, I can't imagine what the people I talked to thought of me hahaha

3. The inability to read 

I forgot how to read!! no joke, technically I knew how to, but I wasn't able to. At most I could put two letters together, then the next two, but combining all 4 was impossible! 

4. Temporary amnesia, such as forgetting how to do tasks you have been doing for years.

The things I remember forgetting during my attack was that I forgot how to close the door. So when I left the house I left the door open because I just didn't know how to close it.

I tried calling my mom for help, picked the phone up but forgot her number and how to dial, I just stared at my phone for what felt like forever (maybe it wasn't since your time sense gets messed up too) and then gave up.

I was about to cross the street but forgot what the red & green man meant... So I stand there looking at the green man but I honestly had no clue what it meant, and in my head I was trying to remember which one meant what and when I should go over. The sounds in the environment were also so extremely unbearable that I couldn't focus at all. 

I forgot my own name, my friends names, numbers and other things that I "tested". Since I knew I was losing my mind I kept trying to remember things going "ok, what's my name??... oh crap I dont know, ok what's my moms name? (after a moment of thinking) ok it's magnea, now whats my name?..... right it's katrin..." and then I realized I had forgotten my moms name again. But all along I could remember memories from the school I was walking past that I had attended when I was 4,5 & 6 years old 

Usually when I start getting the first symptoms, which are visual I lay down in bed and don't move so I've never before actually tested what happens if I just continue on with life as if nothing is wrong. It's so dangerous though, imagine if I would have been driving or had been hit by a car when I didn't know what the red man meant. scary! 

After the attack I had after-affect, which was extreme tiredness... The next day I went to sleep and slept constantly for 18 hours! woke up and the next night slept for 14 hours. 

Now you all think I'm crazy, so the purpose of this blog is completed.

Wednesday, October 17

bungy jump in Innsbruck

Finally uploaded the video of Nathan bungee jumping in Austria from last month !

I realize it's safe & you're more likely to die on the way to the bungee jump, but I can't describe the feeling of seeing someone so close to you literally jumping of a bridge! 
My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't breath until he was up again and I had made sure he was ok..

I actually turned off the video because, like you can hear I called "Is he alive??" and the guys answered "ehh, enough, come see for yourself" and I'm just like "ENOUGH?! what do you mean enough??

It took probably about 5 minutes for him to get up again because you have to tie yourself to 2 wires and so on while hanging upside down before they drag you up again, but those 5 minutes felt like forever.. I've never been so happy to see anyone again

After he had jumped and was on his way back up again I was talking to this guy that had jumped before him , with hair longer than mine, with dreadlocks... you know the type. A minute into the conversation I realized the guy was smoking marijuana. Just jumped off a bridge and is now standing on top of it smoking weed, that guy sure knows how to live hahaha! 

also see the houses there, imagine living in them and whenever you go outside and look up there are people screaming falling from the sky 

oh and what the hell kind of sound am I making in the beginning of the video , jeez! 

Sunday, October 14

I am so happy, so happy so happy!!! 

I just booked tickets for going away in December! I'm working so much and psychology is way up my ass, so in dec I'm gonna take a month off to just relax, travel and do whatever the hell I want! 

The original plan was to spend both Christmas and New Years away. I love Christmas, but I think it's just as much fun experiencing it in a new place as being in Iceland! Sure it's really good to be with family and stuff, but I also want to experience Christmas in other cultures & plus in most cases visiting family on non-holiday occasions is better. I'd rather try to spend time with my family under normal circumstances than simply forgetting to visit and then try to make up for it all by showing up every day at family holidays...

School finishes in the end of November and then I only have the final exams left... they however, the only three exams that I have to take (although I have a feeling that when the time comes it's gonna change from being only to all these exams!!! ) are going to be stretched over such a long period of time that by the time the final final exam arrives it will be so close to Christmas I could just as well wait a week and then leave for my trip...
  • 2008 - Iceland 
  • 2009 - Italy
  • 2010 - Iceland
  • 2011 - Sweden
  • 2012 - Iceland
which means, next year I'll have to go somewhere just to not break this tradition I've got going on! 

I leave the 29th and fly "straight" to Singapore, it takes so long to finally get there and I bet that after all that travel I'll look like a rotten potato, you'd think that someone like me that travels so much would have found a magic solution to looking pretty after so much waiting in airports, but when it comes down to it, I never give a shit how I look so I just let it slide. This is the reason you never see photos of me in airports! 

I'm going to stay in Singapore for the majority of the time, experiencing new years there which I bet will be real fun! Then I travel on to Kuala Lumpur, no clue when I go from Singapore to Kuala, but it's only a 4 hour bus ride away so I suppose I could go anytime !

My next flight then leaves from Kuala the 20th of Jan and goes on to Abu Dhabi, where I'll spend some days... it wasn't really the plan but due to flight connections and finding the cheapest tickets I'm forced to wait there... At first I was like "oh man I have to wait for so many days in Abu"... then suddenly it hit me "I have to wait so many days in Abu" how could I have looked at this as a bad thing?? I mean, at any other occasion I'd be paying a fortune to get there, why would I then be upset with getting it free within a travel I'd be making either way?? Yaay abu dhabi!! 

So basically in eleven weeks, which is by the way the longest time I've ever planned ahead, and I now remember why I don't... I get so excited and then the departure day never seems to arrive! anyhow... it's going to be ;; 

London - Singapore
Singapore - Kuala lumpur 
Kuala lumpur- Abu Dhabi 
Abu Dhabi - London 

I still haven't found tickets from and to london (to Iceland) since I'm waiting on a 24 hour offer to come, but hopefully I'll have a day or two extra in London so I can go up to whales and visit Hannah, who's up there studying psychology at the university of swansea.. We can be all educational discussing behavior and stuff... yaay ! 

Friday, October 12


It's Octoberfest @ Kex!! 
hahahah I love my job! 

pretzel's, sausages, some other German stuff, and massive beers! and then to top it all off they give us these costumes to wear at work! 


I understand why they dressed like this... it's just impossible to say no to a man dressed like this.... ehnm!


My new workout buddy! 

his name is bob, anything I own electronic that you can plug into the computer will be named bob. 
He also has this fitness app that you turn on when you go to the gym and it keeps track of everything you do. It even counts your steps, not that that's so breathtaking, but I don't understand how! Even on the treadmill it counts the steps I take... I've tried fooling it, moving it front and back, shaking it... I've spent around an hour trying to figure out how it knows when I take a step, without any results :( 

You can also put pictures of really hot girls in it, that way, when you're about to give up you just take a look at them and you get motivated to keep going for however long it takes to turn into them hahaha! healthy attitude right?

Anyways, I love him, he loves me and we're going to have so much fun together! 

Tuesday, October 9

thoughtful boss

hahahah best present ever!! 

the story behind it ; My mom lives about 30 min from the capital and my boss thinks everyone that lives there is weird. He says there must be some explanation and chooses to blame it on the water. He has always asked me... sorry, begged me to take with me some fresh Reykjavík water with me, and enough so I won't catch the weirdness in the water where my mom lives.. Now for my birthday he bought a 5 liter water tank for me so whenever I'm away from Reykjavík I have a back-up stash of water to drink 

Monday, October 8

gym membership

Oh! Well what do we have here... I just made the biggest commitment I've ever made. A contract to the gym for one year! Who wants to bet I'll have moved away from Iceland before it expires?? hahah This is what happens when you have really inspirational people around you that won't listen to your bullshit *cough nate cough* 


hello dear blog.

I have been super busy being lazy lately.. Too lazy for life! I started some new medication and have been sleeping up to 15 hours a day... all a stupid side effect from quitting the pill. Word of advice girls, if you don't plan on getting pregnant do not ever skip even a day, your whole hormonal system will turn inside out and you get medication that changes your body temperature from warm to cold every 2 seconds and you'll sleep up to 15 hours a day! & we're not talking in a cute napping way, I just go into full hibernation like a freakin' black bear and nothing can wake me up! Skipped school 4 days last week and fell asleep in class on the 5th day. 

Anyways, for my birthday I got so many priceless emails that I appreciate so much, always on my birthday I get reminded just why I love birthdays so much, I got sent pictures since I was younger from some friends and the most caring letters from others. The whole day I was like an idiot sobbing because I felt so loved ! So if any of you reading this sent me sweet messages I love you! :D :D 

Two hours before my birthday my phone died, I decided that now enough was enough and I would have to buy a new phone. It would have to be a smart phone because I need Whatsapp more than oxygen. Then later that evening when I come to my surprise party my mom & dad gave me a samsung galaxy! 

Haleluja, this is the best phone ever. I can literally talk to it because it has a thing like the Iphone siri, a-m-a-z-i-n-g. First time I was driving in traffic and managed to text without putting everyone around me at risk because I just said to the phone "Text **** "hi I'm fine how about you"" and the phone sends the message and what I said with it.

I also got a photo album from my grandmother filled with pictures of me from the age of 0-20. Such a beautiful gift! I even found some pictures in it of me & addý since we were under 2 years old, longest & best friendship ever haha! I'll show our adorableness later when I can be bothered taking pictures out and scanning them in or taking a picture of the picture haha! 

Just came from the gym which explains all the freshness! hahaha

This phone is officially my new boyfriend. One silly problem though is that unalike siri I don't know what the person inside the phone's name is. People with Iphone S can say something like "Siri, what's the weather like tomorrow?" But I have to ask directly "How's the weather tomorrow?" which I don't really like, I feel like I'm being rude. So if anyone knows what the phone person is called that would be great! that would make me feel better about being rude to a phone! 

Anyways, I'm going to go have a conversation with my phone now ! Have a good night!! 

Friday, October 5


I am the luckiest person ever to be alive! 

today has way exceeded all my expectations... I don't even know where to start, so I'll start at the beginning of the day... technically right after midnight! 

In the night I went to Sunna's house, we went to get subway and cake (which we then didn't even eat, but hey! that just gives me an excuse to continue the celebration tomorrow) We watched some sex & the city, Sunna took a bath... I know, we're way to comfortable around each other, her cat ate soap and shampoo so he also got clean (at least on the inside). We then went from googling "my cat ate shampoo, what should I do" to watching videos on how to train your cat to start using the toilet. I believe that cat is never going to master the craft, but if she wants to give it a try who am I to rain on her parade?

Today when I woke up I directly went out for a run, first alone and then came back to get mom and go out for a power-walk! I've been going every day now, go me! but more about that later.. 

It was going to be me and mom out to eat at this really fancy & nice place called Grillmarkaðurinn... I start getting ready and mom was stressing an awfully lot. I didn't really understand why until I came to the restaurant. The waiter showed me to the table and as I look up there is my whole family singing happy birthday to me! 

mom, grandma, grandpa, dad, his wife, my mom's brother, his boyfriend and my 3 wonderful siblings! We had this taste menu which had all these weird things on him like whale, shark & more Icelandic stuff, 3 starters, 4 mains and a full table of deserts! 

We were all a bit confused what camera to look into
notice what a funny group of siblings we are, one with dark hair, one mixed medium, one blonde and one on fire it's so red hahaha

hello mr. red hair & freckles. 

I spent a week practicing at work to blow out 20 candles, that didn't really come to a use

the super nice bathroom

the waterfall sink, if you put your hand too far in you get into the sink on the other side in the men's bathroom. We tried it out and someone grabbed our hands on the other side hahah! 

the grillmarket


strawberry mojito! 
my first legal alcoholic drink!  

more deserts! oh boy!! 

me & the man of my life! 

<3 <3 

hahahah I'm in the bathroom and someone comes knocking on the door saying " Katrín, you have to open up... NOW!" turns out she had gotten this toothpick stuck in her teeth! & couldn't get it out ! 

It was the best day I could have imagined, I got countless messages, texts & calls from everyone that were soo nice!! I felt sooo loved... I'm already starting to look forward to next years birthday hahaha

Thursday, October 4


I'm twenty!!! 
I never think I'm gonna get excited, then a week before my birthday even the mailman knows my birthday is coming up. I start counting down and I can't get anything done except thinking about the miracle of life & how incredibly joyful everything is! hahaha 

I have been so busy the last days that it's kinda turned into the opposite, where I don't know where to start, spin in a couple of circles and end up going out for a run... what's that all about?

Anyways, now I'm about to go out to eat with mom! I'll post some pictures and stuff when I get back, I've been waaay to lazy updating the blog recently. Sorry!!