Friday, October 5


I am the luckiest person ever to be alive! 

today has way exceeded all my expectations... I don't even know where to start, so I'll start at the beginning of the day... technically right after midnight! 

In the night I went to Sunna's house, we went to get subway and cake (which we then didn't even eat, but hey! that just gives me an excuse to continue the celebration tomorrow) We watched some sex & the city, Sunna took a bath... I know, we're way to comfortable around each other, her cat ate soap and shampoo so he also got clean (at least on the inside). We then went from googling "my cat ate shampoo, what should I do" to watching videos on how to train your cat to start using the toilet. I believe that cat is never going to master the craft, but if she wants to give it a try who am I to rain on her parade?

Today when I woke up I directly went out for a run, first alone and then came back to get mom and go out for a power-walk! I've been going every day now, go me! but more about that later.. 

It was going to be me and mom out to eat at this really fancy & nice place called Grillmarkaðurinn... I start getting ready and mom was stressing an awfully lot. I didn't really understand why until I came to the restaurant. The waiter showed me to the table and as I look up there is my whole family singing happy birthday to me! 

mom, grandma, grandpa, dad, his wife, my mom's brother, his boyfriend and my 3 wonderful siblings! We had this taste menu which had all these weird things on him like whale, shark & more Icelandic stuff, 3 starters, 4 mains and a full table of deserts! 

We were all a bit confused what camera to look into
notice what a funny group of siblings we are, one with dark hair, one mixed medium, one blonde and one on fire it's so red hahaha

hello mr. red hair & freckles. 

I spent a week practicing at work to blow out 20 candles, that didn't really come to a use

the super nice bathroom

the waterfall sink, if you put your hand too far in you get into the sink on the other side in the men's bathroom. We tried it out and someone grabbed our hands on the other side hahah! 

the grillmarket


strawberry mojito! 
my first legal alcoholic drink!  

more deserts! oh boy!! 

me & the man of my life! 

<3 <3 

hahahah I'm in the bathroom and someone comes knocking on the door saying " Katrín, you have to open up... NOW!" turns out she had gotten this toothpick stuck in her teeth! & couldn't get it out ! 

It was the best day I could have imagined, I got countless messages, texts & calls from everyone that were soo nice!! I felt sooo loved... I'm already starting to look forward to next years birthday hahaha

1 comment:

  1. ;) nú vantar bara að fá að sjá video´ið af þér sjá óvænt fjölskylduna!!
