Tuesday, October 23


Last week I got the weirdest migraine attack ever.. It's called an aura migraine and it's ridiculous. I wanted to cry because I seriously thought I was losing my mind but couldn't. I have been reading about all these different mental disabilities and I was sure I was somehow getting 10 of them at the same time. 
So the aura migraine has the weirdest effects on you. 
The symptoms are:

1. Blind or dark spots in the field of vision & distortions in the size or shape of objects

Like when you look into the sun, except the spots lasted for over 2 hours and my whole vision was like I was high.
This guy fakes the effects soo well! That's exactly how everything looks, except for me I get additional black spots. Funny in all the videos I found, the person would look at their hand which is what I do the majority of the time I get these attacks, or go and look at myself in the mirror to see how abstract I look. 
Also another way to put it is with one word ; picasso, at random times everything will look like a picasso painting, I'm sure he had a aura migraine attacks and just painted what he saw.

2. Heightened sensitivity to hearing & Someone speaking at a normal tone sounds like they are shouting loudly

First off I felt like I was in a bubble or underwater because I could hardly hear anything around me. Then all of a sudden everything gets extremely loud, the traffic sounds were horrible. Imagine turning your ipod on and the volume is maximized... your reaction would be to pull the headphones out of your ears... now imagine you can't so everything is just screaming at you

EXACTLY like these first 5 sec of this house promo...

3. and this sounds crazy but... Feeling separated from one's body & feeling as if the limbs are moving independently from the body.
This feels like when you've had a spinning class or jumped on a trampoline for ages and then try to walk normally. Everything is so funky and you feel like your not connected to what your feet are doing...Now imagine your whole body feeling like that for hours. 

4. being unable to understand or comprehend spoken words & being unable to speak properly, gibberish, despite the brain grasping what the person is trying to verbalize. 

Nothing made sense! I knew in my head what I was trying to say but when I started talking I could hear gibberish coming out of my mouth... I probably stopped 8 random people on the street trying to get help but I couldnt get the sentence out right.. I was aware that I wasn't making any sense but just like in these videos I couldn't stop myself because I was constantly trying to get back to talking normally.
here's a video of a news reporter getting an attack on live tv... 

aaand another...

(starts after 12 sec) it's actually so funny listening to people when they're like this, I can't imagine what the people I talked to thought of me hahaha

3. The inability to read 

I forgot how to read!! no joke, technically I knew how to, but I wasn't able to. At most I could put two letters together, then the next two, but combining all 4 was impossible! 

4. Temporary amnesia, such as forgetting how to do tasks you have been doing for years.

The things I remember forgetting during my attack was that I forgot how to close the door. So when I left the house I left the door open because I just didn't know how to close it.

I tried calling my mom for help, picked the phone up but forgot her number and how to dial, I just stared at my phone for what felt like forever (maybe it wasn't since your time sense gets messed up too) and then gave up.

I was about to cross the street but forgot what the red & green man meant... So I stand there looking at the green man but I honestly had no clue what it meant, and in my head I was trying to remember which one meant what and when I should go over. The sounds in the environment were also so extremely unbearable that I couldn't focus at all. 

I forgot my own name, my friends names, numbers and other things that I "tested". Since I knew I was losing my mind I kept trying to remember things going "ok, what's my name??... oh crap I dont know, ok what's my moms name? (after a moment of thinking) ok it's magnea, now whats my name?..... right it's katrin..." and then I realized I had forgotten my moms name again. But all along I could remember memories from the school I was walking past that I had attended when I was 4,5 & 6 years old 

Usually when I start getting the first symptoms, which are visual I lay down in bed and don't move so I've never before actually tested what happens if I just continue on with life as if nothing is wrong. It's so dangerous though, imagine if I would have been driving or had been hit by a car when I didn't know what the red man meant. scary! 

After the attack I had after-affect, which was extreme tiredness... The next day I went to sleep and slept constantly for 18 hours! woke up and the next night slept for 14 hours. 

Now you all think I'm crazy, so the purpose of this blog is completed.

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