Monday, October 8


hello dear blog.

I have been super busy being lazy lately.. Too lazy for life! I started some new medication and have been sleeping up to 15 hours a day... all a stupid side effect from quitting the pill. Word of advice girls, if you don't plan on getting pregnant do not ever skip even a day, your whole hormonal system will turn inside out and you get medication that changes your body temperature from warm to cold every 2 seconds and you'll sleep up to 15 hours a day! & we're not talking in a cute napping way, I just go into full hibernation like a freakin' black bear and nothing can wake me up! Skipped school 4 days last week and fell asleep in class on the 5th day. 

Anyways, for my birthday I got so many priceless emails that I appreciate so much, always on my birthday I get reminded just why I love birthdays so much, I got sent pictures since I was younger from some friends and the most caring letters from others. The whole day I was like an idiot sobbing because I felt so loved ! So if any of you reading this sent me sweet messages I love you! :D :D 

Two hours before my birthday my phone died, I decided that now enough was enough and I would have to buy a new phone. It would have to be a smart phone because I need Whatsapp more than oxygen. Then later that evening when I come to my surprise party my mom & dad gave me a samsung galaxy! 

Haleluja, this is the best phone ever. I can literally talk to it because it has a thing like the Iphone siri, a-m-a-z-i-n-g. First time I was driving in traffic and managed to text without putting everyone around me at risk because I just said to the phone "Text **** "hi I'm fine how about you"" and the phone sends the message and what I said with it.

I also got a photo album from my grandmother filled with pictures of me from the age of 0-20. Such a beautiful gift! I even found some pictures in it of me & addý since we were under 2 years old, longest & best friendship ever haha! I'll show our adorableness later when I can be bothered taking pictures out and scanning them in or taking a picture of the picture haha! 

Just came from the gym which explains all the freshness! hahaha

This phone is officially my new boyfriend. One silly problem though is that unalike siri I don't know what the person inside the phone's name is. People with Iphone S can say something like "Siri, what's the weather like tomorrow?" But I have to ask directly "How's the weather tomorrow?" which I don't really like, I feel like I'm being rude. So if anyone knows what the phone person is called that would be great! that would make me feel better about being rude to a phone! 

Anyways, I'm going to go have a conversation with my phone now ! Have a good night!! 

1 comment:

  1. you still haven't sent me your number :(
