Sunday, October 28

london ticket - check!

Oh what a good day. the final piece of my messy flight ticket cake has arrived... I FINALLY bought my last ticket for my trip in December.. 
the ticket from iceland to london and london to iceland are now in my inbox. jibbididú! 

I managed to make it so that I have some days in between arriving in london to when I have to leave, those days I'm going to use to meet my childhood friend Hannah. I can't wait... We we're best friends when we were growing up in Norway, met again in 2008 when I visited her in Norway, then in 2009 we went to France together and now we're meeting in Wales since she lives there studying psychology. Next will be meeting in Iceland, definitely !

(hahaha notice on my arm, I'm so subtle getting someones number..."here's a big black marker, why don't you just make a sleeve on my arm from your number")

I can't wait to go! I'm so not cut out for any of this, it's so cold and I feel like it's dark 24/7. I liked it way better when it was bright. You know when you wake up in the middle of the night and turn the light on in your room, you can feel that it's wrong in some way. You can feel that your only light source is coming from the light bulb, it's not just helping brightening up whats already semi bright.... well that's how it's starting to be here all the time now. does that even make sense?

It's so hard to get anything done when you always feel like you should be sleeping. just ends up with A LOT of naps, and I was the queen of naps even when it was bright!

on my most depressed moment Nathan sends me this picture he took on the way to work. palm trees, sun & summer. really?! kick me when I'm down why don't you! btw so funny how everything is wrong, he's sitting on the wrong side of the car, driving on the wrong side of the street. Silly australians..

Only good thing is that with winter comes christmas... except everyone is getting so overly excited already it's driving me nuts. IT'S OCTOBER FOR GOODNESS SAKE! you don't sing christmas songs already, getting all excited now just makes the wait so much longer. that's also why I don't like buying flight tickets so much in advance. When I get an idea in my head I want to perform it straight away, I don't want to wait 65 days and then get to do it! 

oh I find this so funny! as offensive as it is, what a great sense of humor hahaha!! 

1 comment:

  1. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU. and I'm planing on comming to iceland in the late summer/fall xxxx
