Wednesday, July 11

day two.

So far I really like it, I'm working like a crazy person and only having enough spare time to sleep and hardly check facebook/hotmail/theblog.

I'm living in a hotel which is both good and bad.


  • All you can eat breakfast!! When I realized that I couldn't stop smiling for hours. Hadn't really thought about it before but now I can't wait to wake up in the mornings. I get all the free food I want, and believe me, with the food they make here you want to be eating non stop
    Now my only thought is if I'll come out of this place fatter or skinnier because it might go both ways. Fatter from all the food I'm eating or skinnier from moving constantly 15 hours a day.


  • I'm living out of my suitcase. Since the hotel is also always fully booked I have to be changing rooms all the time so I can't really be unpacking at any point.
  • Had I known that I would have packed a little smarter, not just thrown everything into the bag thinking I could fix it later..
  • Even if I'd want to go out, I hardly find the longing to do so, there is absolutely NOTHING to do here. I can literally count all the houses in this...."village?"  by just looking out the window

What a small and pathetic lighthouse hahah! 

Anyways, the people here are different, which I wouldn't have expected. Surely I assumed they would know more about sheep's and cows than me but not much more than that 
They are way more open than the "city" people that like to keep their personal life to themselves.
It's such a small place that where everyone knows everything about everyone so they just don't see the point in hiding anything either way.

The first day here I asked a girl what she had been doing that day since her shift started later than mine. Her response was partly normal "I just woke up late, went to get my nails done, had some food with friends, hung out ...." and then the weird part... "..then I went and got some sex, then I just took a shower and came"

Don't get me wrong, this is exactly how I talk to my friends, but that's different. I know them. I wouldn't say this to someone I don't know. Some driver also gave her his number and by the end of the day the whole town new about it and was questioning everything. 
It wasn't just her though, everyone talks like this. Openly share every little detail of their life as if they were an open book.

Older couples talk about their sex life as if nothing is more normal.

The most uncomfortable of all though is when the older men start making sex jokes or comments. I never know how I should respond. Should I laugh or am I then implying something? because that's the last thing I'd want to do. It's as if everything is sex related here. 

One old man bought coffee today and almost instantly returns the cup. "Wow, you finished? that was fast" I said. His response "Short but very good, just like I like my orgasms" and of course then he also gave me a wink. I don't even know what facial expression I gave him because I was so confused what I should do that it took me about 30 seconds before I managed to make a little "hehe" sound and make an excuse to go back into the kitchen. 

This is definitely going to take some getting used to, but I'll get there... eventually! 

I'll be putting more weird local habits if I'll find any more haha! Also notice how I've decorated the blog with pictures I took around here. Fits well with all the sex talk, right?

Well now I'm getting a headache I'm so tired after today's shift. tomorrow... repeat!

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