Saturday, July 21


I was going to make a blog 2 days ago.
Then when I went home to write it I just suddenly got an emotional meltdown!

I turned the computer on and before it even turned on I felt this rush of hormones going through me. The sock slipped off my heel while I was still wearing my shoe and as annoying as that can be it does not explain my reaction. All of a sudden I find myself sitting on the middle of the floor crying because of it. I'm dead serious; I sat there, alone in a random house, in the middle of nowhere crying because my sock didn't stay in place.

A series of unfortunate things had happened in the night, I spilled white wine on some fancy man, broke a cup, couldn't find my keys while standing outside in the pouring rain and my phone was battery dead. I didn't think I had taken those things so into my heart but my sock not staying where it should obviously just filled the meter!  

When I had sat there for about 10 minutes crying I realized I had no clue why I was crying and started laughing at how silly I am. So there I'm sitting... laughing at myself while I'm still crying and having no idea even why it all started! 

Now that you all think I'm crazy I'll move on to the real purpose of the blog! 

I just bought a ticket to go to London 

There was a 24 hour offer and 13 minutes before it ran out I decided enough is enough and I need to go somewhere. I ran home to get my credit card, turned the computer on and filled out all the information so fast that in the rush I pressed enter. Next thing I know I have a ticket in front of me. I didn't give myself time to think it all through, which was good I guess because as you can see on the picture I bought the ticket 3 minutes before the offer ran out.

This is my adrenaline. haha

I have around six weeks before I go and even having only six weeks I still got worried it was too big of a commitment buying a ticket so in advance. You never know, but the university is guaranteeing that I'll be in the country at that time so it should all be fine!

I called my mom the next day telling her I'm going away and all she did was ask me "aah okei, where are you going this time?" no "Oh my god?? when did you book a ticket?? what are you thinking??" nothing! Makes life so much easier having parents like mine, although I still haven't called my dad to inform him I'm leaving

London here I come... in six weeks

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