Wednesday, August 8

5 in 1

The internet has been giving me massive problems recently. I've been able to access facebook, but not my messages or notifications. I've been able to go on my blog, just not the "make a new post". Great, they managed to take away the whole purpose of both two websites! 

There's only around 4 days until I'm going back to reality, I hope. Still haven't bought my ticket though, so irresponsible. 

The work I've been doing here is kind of a 5 in 1 person. I am a....

1. Waitress; actually pretty nice. I like pleasing people. I especially like it when they tip me, I've found out unbuttoning, wiggling your ass and leaving your number on the napkin helps a lot

2. Receptionist; given, I answer the phone and show people to their room. One awkward thing about this is when someone from Asia walks in. "Hi I have a reservation, my name is Uyotaksmia". I look at the computer and what I heard him say could apply to 4 out of 5 asian names on the list. Feels horrible asking the person to repeat for the 3rd time and end up asking them to spell or write it. Oh well, guess they'll have the same problem with my name when I go there. 

3. Maid; That, in my opinion is the best job in the house. People spend max 15 hours in there so you're cleaning whats already clean (then they also don't notice if you forget something). I just put my ipod in my ears, turn the volume up and dance with the mop like a crazy person. Life's only as fun as you make it I suppose hahah!

4. The tourist center; In the beginning I felt like I was speaking completely out of my ass! The people asking me the questions had in some cases been there even longer than I. When I went driving around with the Italian guys I got some perspective though and now I actually feel like I'm giving people useful advice. People ask and demand the weirdest things though. One man wanted to see a reindeer. He complained that the last place that got recommended to him wasn't good and he didn't see any. I suggested a couple of other places where I knew there are lots of them but he was NOT happy.
He wanted me to point out exactly, centimeters counting, where he could go to see them. Towards the end it was actually hard not to laugh while trying to explain to him that they are actually wild animals free to go where ever they want whenever the hell they want to. Not like I can call and make an appointment for them to stand by the side of the road waiting for him to come and take their picture. 

5. The kitchen; I've finally learnt how to make pizza! Not that it's any rocket science but I've never taken the time to master the craft. I've also learned how to cut vegetables the wrong way. It was the first day today that I didn't have any band-aids on. I usually have 5! If band-aids were ever to come in fashion I'd become an icon, that's for sure! 

Now I‘ve been working at least 12 hours every day. I‘ve had 2 days off and a couple of days where I didn‘t have to show up until 5 in the afternoon. Those days didn‘t do me any good though because I slept for 14 hours straight.

In 6 hours a 15 hour shift starts and I'm still not asleep! 

irresponsible irresponsible irresponsible

I have a lot planned for the next weeks though so I can't wait to move on with life!!

4 days... and counting

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