Tuesday, August 28

book mountain

holy guacamole!  
you are my Everest!
my next 12 weeks are going to be filled with joy

For those of you that know me know that I am the most irresponsible person ever and have in most cases no clue what I'm doing in life besides just what I want when I want to. Things always find a way to work out just fine. 

I am starting school in 2 weeks and still have no clue where I'm going to live thank you very much. 

I have 3 possibilities. 

First. Driving front and back. Which is hard since I don't have a car and would have to borrow my moms car along with taking the bus. That's going to cost me the same as renting an apartment in central Reykjavík. Buying my own car is too much responsibility. I don't like to be tied down.

Second. Renting an apartment in Reykjavík. On campus you can rent cheap apartments but since I don't like to plan ahead I didn't even apply, so much for that. I found a great apartment, good location and really nice, but no shower or bath. what?! I took a shower by heating water and pouring it over myself in Finland last summer. I'm not doing that every day!
I found another where I'm only renting a room but shearing the rest of the house with four 25 year old guys. I got enough of being a maid this summer, not going back to that with four loud guys 24/7! Also renting an apartment involves a lease that ties me too much down. 

Third (and my personal favorite). I'll use ja.is (site where you find peoples info) I'll go on that, find all guys living in 101 under 30 then cross reference them with the ones that I find are good looking and single on facebook and conveniently find myself the ideal boyfriend. This way I don't have to think about how to get front and back for the rest of the semester. I'm smart like this sometimes. 
(I'm of course joking, for god's sake don't take me seriously!)

I guess I'll end up just living out of my purse. Having my stuff here and there and just planing one night ahead where to sleep. That will work out just fine. Unless someone that lives in Reykjavik wants to adopt me... anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Or the secret fourth option: Come live with your best friend, take the bus on certain days and then borrow the car when she's not working. No commitment at all. except you'll be my bitch, but your cool with that..
