Wednesday, August 1

Italian road trip pt 1

Some Italian friends came to visit Iceland.
They were driving the circle around Iceland and stopped by my place when they came out to the neverland where I am for two more weeks. 

I was having two very bad italian days, language wise. The day before they came I had met some Italians and explained the most complicated things about the roads, mountains and glaciers at the tourist center. I obviously finished my doze of italian for this month in that conversation because when my friends came I could hardly blurt out "Hi how have you been" without mixing in some english and in some un-explainable way... SWEDISH! I had some weird tenancy to throw in Jätte before every word...what?!

It was so much fun to see some Italians again. I love their culture so much and every little Italian thing they did made my heart melt!

Within 10 minutes they were already making pasta & the next day they went to the supermarket to buy some prosciutto instead of just having fast food like every other normal icelandic person would... 
It goes without mentioning that when they spoke their hands were flying all over the place as if they were on fire and the only way to put it out was to wave their hands around.

In the beginning of the big road trip

& the other side. You see, I was so lucky that I was put in the middle

upside down italian anyone?

don't so much as look away from your own feet with an italian present... this will happen... you will then forget about it and me

the horn of the car didn't work so the sheep just took their time to get out of the way... We developed a way to scare them off though. Just opened the window and started screaming "BEEEP" 

.... and when that didn't work we sent Carlo out there

looking back on the place where I'm now living...neverrrrland

This is another thing I miss about italians. They are ALWAYS cold! 3 out of 4 were sick when they came to me. I walked to and from work in a t-shirt alone and when they came they had winter pants, shoes, jackets, scarfs, hats and mittens... still freezing to death!

this is funny though because he has both two glasses and two hats on his head, I think he also had two sweaters... not sure about that though. 

His glasses were so dirty I doubt they were doing him any good

these, however, worked very well. 
I hate using glasses... I never realize how bad my vision is until I put on glasses and figure out that I am actually supposed to see further than my own nose.. That then reminds me that I have to buy new glasses which then reminds me that I have to kiss 70 thousand isk byebye.
Realize how much travelling I can do with 70 thousand? I'll just stay blind for now  

This was the cutest place ever! in the middle of nowhere there was this tiny house with a vending machine and a guest book. One of many things that the italians knew about and I didn't

Bella Islanda

so much open space it can make you go crazy

just take a nap on the road, the next car isn't coming until in at least 15 minutes

I sometimes started doubting if we were going in the right direction, there come times where you drive what seems an eternity on a road without any sign that your going the right way

We found a puddle...

hahahaha none of them are running like a normal person

Islanda lonely planet guide

Borgarfjörður Eystri

like the houses were 100 years ago

-the end of pt 1

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