Tuesday, August 14

66° north

home home home

I finally came back home yesterday, I just went to the airport on monday morning and got on the next flight home! 

Today I then went to Reykjavík to take care of some things that have been piling up for way to long. I met up with my boss and it's decided, the new club is going to open this weekend. I can't wait to get back behind the bar. music, chaos, the middle of the night...perfect! 

I then met up with a friend that came hitch hiking from Akureyri and we decided to go hiking tomorrow. We have actually been thinking about it for a while but nothing was decided until 6 hours ago and we're leaving in 5 hours. 

We're going to Landmannalaugar which is this amazing place in the middle of nowhere

This is like a picture you always see from this place. Don't know if its going to be actually like this but whatever it's going to be will be great, there are also a lot of hot springs all over the place where you can go bathing out in the nature. Never thought I'd pack trekking boots and a bikini in the same bag but ok!

I've been stacking up with gear lately for some real travelling!

So far I have
  • under pants and shirt from 100% merino wool
  • protective over pants 
  • base layer sweater 
  • gloves
  • mittens
  • trekking socks
  • trekking shoes 
I just bought the trekking shoes today since there was a 50% off sale at 66°north, and well because I can't go trekking without them and I had only 1 hour to find some. I've wanted a pair for very long so finally I got my ass to get them.

The backpack I had since last years backpacking through Europe and is still like new.

Now all I need for some real travelling is something to cook with (which mr. Adam has for this trip so it's all good for now) a sleeping bag and tent. My friends name is Adam just like my ex's, how convenient, without even thinking the name just slides out, comfortable! 
When it comes to the sleeping bag and the tent I know exactly how I want them so I'm going to need some time to find the right one with acceptable price but I'll hopefully have them for the next travel. Meanwhile I'm borrowing my dad's sleeping bag and A has a tent.

Miss excited

We've gone shopping for food and by the looks of it have enough to feed an entire village, at least I won't die of starvation. Now let's just hope I wont die from anything else, little katrin hiking, now isn't that something you can imagine, because I can't

I would then like to thank the German population. You people are the best tippers in the world and have probably paid for half the things I needed for this trip, merci! 

Now cross your fingers and pray to god I'll make it back in one piece because I promised my boss I'd come to work this weekend with no broken bones. I also have a trip coming up in 3 weeks, which by the way has changed a lot but I'll tell you all about that later.

Off I go, I'll be back thursday or friday. I know you'll all be waiting at home for a story 

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