Friday, August 24

hair cut & driving license

nothing can just be normal and simple for me... 

Yesterday I went to get my hair cut & colored. 5 minutes after they had put the color in I start leaking, simply just water leaking down everywhere and I have no clue where it came from or why. Everyone was standing over me wondering what the hell was happening but nobody had seen it before so that problem went unsolved. My hair didn't fall off so I can't say I care...

I then sat down in the chair and the hairstylist starts messing with my hair, brushing here and there and whipping this and that around. I suddenly feel like someone bit me in the ear and hear him go "OH MY GOODNESS" he had then pulled out the earring I had in the helix, I really didn't feel any pain until I found the earring and found it all in one piece. I had assumed that when he pulled, it had opened up and fallen out but no, he had pulled it out in one piece... once I realized that my ear started hurting a bit hahahah! So girls, take your earrings out before getting a haircut. Now I have gotten rid of all the band-aids on my fingers and have one in my ear instead! 

Then I have this one problem with having haircuts. The balance nerve in my head is so sensitive, which means that if someone else is moving my head in different directions and I'm not in control I feel like I'm on a freakin' roller coaster. We had to pause the haircut on several occasions because I was fainting and nauseated. I felt like everything around me was spinning 400 km/h and it wouldn't stop unless he stopped pulling my head! how can anyone make a haircut so dramatic?! I had to sit chewing sugar bites for the whole haircut to raise the blood sugar to keep me awake

I finally got the haircut over with and I bet the stylist has never been as happy getting rid of a client... I went to sleep early because I had to wake up early to get my driving license renewed. It only had 2 days left until it would expire and I was not going to pay a fine or whatever you have to do if your too late. Since it's Friday it's my last chance to get a new one today so I start calling driving instructors begging them to squeeze me into their schedule today... I got a guy to meet up with me and as we're filling out all the information he starts laughing and asking me if I'm high... Turns out it is expiring 26 of August.... 2013!! I'm a whole year too early... well at least I've gotten that over with

now work is calling... Hope I'll make it there and through the night without any absurd problems getting in my way haha! 

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