Sunday, August 19


So finally the pictures from the first day of the hiking trip and I have to warn you in advance that there are mostly nature photos. 

The volcano Hekla, Icelandic people used to believe that it was the gateway to hell. Heaven is in the sky but hell apparently is in Iceland haha! Like when Eva (girl that was an exchange student at my house) told me that in Belgium people think Santa clause comes from Spain and his helpers are all black dwarfs. Our ancestors were clearly eating mushrooms with spots on them.

In the first 2 km of the walk

We were making our way to a place called ugly puddle

I have to say I don't think its ugly, when we finally reached it we just sat down and relaxed, all the way to the horizon there was nothing but nature and you couldnt hear any noise what so ever, completely stunning.

We didn't really notice until afterwards how cliché we looked. Both hooked on 66°north products which ended up with us looking like those horrible couples that dress the same on purpose. The ones that make their kids mini versions of themselves and have towels with their initials on them, oh dear god, I hope I'll never get towels with my initials on them!

I liked seeing how the path just continued endlessly, just the whole trip in general reminded me of Sigurrós, that could have been the background music throughout the whole thing. I can totally see where they're coming from with the music

As we were walking we came to this heart someone had made in the ground with Adams initials written inside  

hahahha where do people get their ideas from?! 

So the first walk went so well, we only walked for 4 hours I think and it was pretty much flat ground the whole way so it was a good preparation for the next day...

In the night we then went to this geothermal pool out in the nature, which was just the perfect way to end the walk, the water just came running down from the hills and was I'd guess around 35-40° depending where you were in the water, so nice! I forgot to take pictures the first day and the second day it was too dark when I wanted to take a picture. That's right, it's actually starting to get dark in the night now :( 

We also had so much food with us that after the relaxation we made dinner. We got so many looks at the camp site. Everyone around us were heating up cup-a-soup or noodles and we were making chicken with pasta and vegetables with Adams portable kitchen. So cute, he just whipped up a bag and out came a mini kitchen. We took too much chicken with us though so we ended up giving the rest to the people on the next table, how nice right?

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