Monday, November 19

drama drama drama

Confessions of a teenage drama-queen. 

The weather 
Why is it so cold? why why why!! Iceland should be evacuated immediately and we should all be relocated in florida or spain or even australia until the weather becomes bearable again! The second skin pants people wear to go skiing and hiking... yeah I wear those under my jeans to work...  

My hair
I went to the blue lagoon some days ago. Say no more, It's like someone ejaculated in my hair and then put mustard & cottage cheese just to add to the fun. not cool...

My new sports bra
I went to buy a sports bra, like 50km away, and this girl working there forgets to take the anti theft device off. I was driving home all excited to go to the gym, it was cold and I was very vulnerable and was close to crying when I realized the stupid thing was still on. 
You have like 3 responsibilities when it comes to me buying something and you can't even get that right.. ok I'm joking about that bitchy part. but still when I went back I felt like a shoplifter because the girl didn't believe me. why? because I didn't come straight back the next day... Hello I live an hour away, driving here just to take this off the next day would have costed half the price of the damn thing. Mind you, I had already told her I lived in neverland. 

dating sites
STOP sending me 20 emails a day. If I'll ever really hate someone this is what I'll do to them, I'll sign them up at 10 different dating sites & the sites will then take care of making the persons life miserable. You can unsubscribe all you want, but its like as soon as one site has your email they all unite in annoying you.
maybe it's a hint..

Flight plans
My flight schedule for the trip in Dec is so tight that NOTHING can be changed or delayed. Everything has to fit exactly because I want to arrive there before 2013 begins.
I get an email from Etihad which is the main company I'm flying with, I see the email on my phone with the headline "ATTENTION, there has been a change in your flight plans" I couldn't open the attachment so being the psychotic mess that I am, I obviously assume the worst, I already imagine the conversation with the other airlines explaining that I have to change my ticket, thought of how it would be celebrating new years stuck in an airplane over kazwatkzitsan, and then thought of whether I should use fake tears to get the other airlines mercy so I wouldn't lose my ticket with them.
I come home and this is what was waiting for me..

I leave 10 minutes earlier and arrive 20 minutes earlier. are you kidding me? hahaha
I should have spent more time working on my fake tears

I have been so careless recently with school I'm in no way proud of myself. I just got so sick of it! I really love what I'm studying, I just feel like it's being forced so much upon me to read something within a timeline that I'm like a horrible teenager going through a resistance period. I'm so screwed that instead of even trying I should just start decorating cardboard boxes so my future home (box) that I'll live in after I fail school will at least be pretty.

In some cases it's very useful and helps me understand the meaning behind the picture... but in most cases, it doesn't even make sense... This is an example that I took from a friend on facebook.


This was all in the description of one picture. I feel like a grandma that doesn't get "the youngsters nowadays" What does "insta -cool,-good,-life,-mood" even mean? does anyone even know ??

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get going back to my cave. 

There are no penguins anywhere! Why are there no penguins? We need more penguins.

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