Monday, November 5

halloween pt 2

This friday when I came to work there was halloween again! I feel like I'm never wearing my own clothes to work anymore because there is always some theme or festival going on... This time it was a private party though so everyone was wearing a costume which was pretty fun because they were so original. I saw one guy that was a tampon, wish I would have taken a picture of him!

These 4 guys were my favorites though (that I remembered to take a picture of)

the monopoly guy with the best fake beard ever! 

marge and homer simpson 

a big penis, so funny seeing him walk down the stairs because he had to lift up and hold onto his balls.. of course also seeing a big penis dancing on the middle on the dance floor was something out of the ordinary. Can't really imagine having one of those just hanging around in the closet..

& then me...


The details are amazing... I actually got a bit shocked when I looked into the mirror, I had imagined looking more like a clown than actually scary. Especially on the collar bone, and my freckles made it in some way even more exaggerated, wish I could have gotten a better picture. I was just soo tired after a test in the day and work in the night 

Just like the last halloween working day I woke up with make up all over even though I made a desperate attempt to get it off half asleep the night before. I got everything off and went to the gym, I noticed everyone I talked to really looked deep into my eyes.. turns out I had forgotten to take off the RED eyeliner I didn't know I had. There was so much difference from when I had the make up on that I didn't see that I still wasn't completely normal. Wasnt until my mom made a comment that I looked like i was possessed. 

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