Tuesday, November 13

The Ted Bundy day!

Ok, let's face it, this is a handsome guy. 
Someone like him would come up to me going "Hi there, my name's Ted. Nice to meet ya"... well let's just say I wouldn't start kicking, screaming and running for my life. He's not my dream type in any way, don't get me wrong. But a serial killer? No way. Which makes it all so scary.

You learn to avoid people likely to harm you, but then the people most likely to do so are the ones that are the closest to you. Or, like in Bundy's victims cases, a handsome young guy that asks you for help since he broke his arm and it is now in a (fake) cast. (One of his tricks to lure girls into walking off with him to deserted places)

This looks like a fun guy, on the left he looks more like a jim carrey kinda guy rather than the "I'm going to kill you" kinda guy.

All except the first picture was taken after he was arrested so obviously that will make a guy look a bit washed up but there's no denying you can see the charm he has, in the smile and all... I can understand how he could trick so many girls into thinking he's all innocent. 

Now why all these thoughts about some Ted Bundy guy?? 

Today I've felt like a complete social retard. I have spent over 6 hours learning about psychopaths and watching the movie, documentary, biography, interview and more about Ted Bundy. I don't really know if I'm being arrogant assuming everyone knows who he is since I probably read all about him in psychology books, buuut

For those of you who don't know Ted Bundy. 
  • He was a teen when he found out that his sister was actually his mother, I mean, that alone is enough to mess seriously with someones head. 
  • He raped & killed over 30 young women (that he has confessed to) 
  • He had necrophilia, which means that he fantasied about having sex with corpses. Which he did, after killing the girls he'd have sex with them again. 
  • The word "Serial Killer" was invented in order to describe Ted, before him the word didn't even exist. 
  • He knocked his girlfriend up while on the death row, his daughter is now 25 years old but her mom changed her name in order to protect her... wonder if she even knows she's the daughter of Ted Bundy?
  • For a long time before he was killed he got over 200 love letters a day from random girls claiming they were in love with him. Hybristophilia is actually a known paraphilia where people are sexually aroused or even fall in love with someone known to have committed a serious crime. Even Josef Fritzl received a lot of these letters after being charged.  

I honestly don't even know what I think of the guy anymore. First I wanted to kill him myself but at the end of all the digging I felt bad for him and not sure if he can be held accountable for his actions. He couldn't feel sympathy for anyone, so he doesn't feel bad when he's taking an innocent life. He only regretted doing things because "society had taught him to feel bad for this and that" not  because he actually felt bad. We go all crazy thinking "of course it's wrong, how can someone not see that?!" but imagine if you lack the ability to feel anything for another human being, then it's not so black and white anymore.

The movie "Ted Bundy" was the one I watched. It was good but made me never want to trust anyone else ever again. 

Here's the interview with him the day before he got electrocuted where he truthfully answers what made him the way he was. He brought a lot of insight to psychology into a psychopaths mind, maybe he shouldn't have been killed just for the sake of science.?? hmmm, maybe using him as a lab rat for a couple of years to maybe find a way to stop serial killers sooner would have been a way to use his existing to at least some good. 

My favorite quotes by Ted Bundy (the real Ted Bundy, not the character in the movie)

1. "We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow" 

Ok, ouch. But true, as soon as someone does something so horrible we don't look at them as humans anymore because we don't like to think that someone human could do such a thing... but just taking into consideration that they're actually born in the environment around us and could be anyone is scary. 

2. "Well-meaning, decent people will condemn the behavior of a Ted Bundy, while they're walking past a magazine rack full of the very kinds of things that send young kids down the road to become Ted Bundy's" & "I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me. And without exception, without question, everyone of them was deeply involved in pornography."

First of all, I think it's funny how he uses his name as a verb. As if Ted bundy isn't his name anymore but the adjective to describe someone like him. He believed that with all the fucked up environment we are exposing to our kids we don't realize that although it doesn't affect the majority of the people it is pushing the minority over the edge to act upon their fantasies. Sure YOU don't start killing people because of porn, but what the society is making "normal" through porn is what makes these guys tick. 

3. "I don't feel guilty for anything. I feel sorry for people who feel guilt."

Ok, no wait, what? that's such a paradox. haha ironic saying that you don't feel anything for other people, but as your explaining yourself even further you say "I feel sorry for people who..." 

4. "What's one less person on the face of the earth, anyway?"


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