Friday, September 28

1st university exam!

So today's the first university exam! I was all "yay, how exciting" until I really started studying for it, then it turned into kind of a "kill me before I kill myself" type of thing

3 hours to go... 
Am I hungry? of course I am, I'll go make an omelette..... Great now I have eaten, but I start thinking, what did I eat, I mean I know it was an egg... but what is egg, really? What do I really know about eggs? not so much... so I decide to google it. After 15 minutes of teaching myself everything there is to know about eggs there is nothing more to know and I start watching this! 

2 hours to go... 
I haven't gone running in a while have I? No it's actually been a while, way to long.. I'll go running! I run until I'm about to faint and feel like I need to throw up because I know that as soon as I get back home I'll have to get back to studying. 

1 hour to go... 
I call mom and ask her where she is... she's at a sale. what? there is a sale? off shoes? where? can I come? Of course I can, I can do whatever I want. So I go to the store with the sale and buy shorts, everyone knows it's good luck to have new shorts on when going to an exam... how else are you going to pass?? 

Now I'm late so I run off to the exam, I come running into the classroom, sit down and realize I had no pen or id with me... they had been talking so much about having NOTHING with you during the exam that I left EVERYTHING in the car... including the only 2 things I needed with me... great job! hahaha 

Regardless, the exam went well, way better than I expected it to & even if it didn't Only 2 out of 3 count so I can go happy to work.. yaaay 

Happy weekend, I hear people get happy when the weekends come, I wouldn't know... weekends are just like any other day, if anything busier! 

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