Monday, September 17

the really expensive beer

In the last weeks I have completely rediscovered the meaning of the word busy. Before when I said I was busy I had no clue what I was saying haha! 
Saturday and Sunday I managed to work 20 hours straight, 10 hour break and then work again 8 hours. No wonder waking up this morning was so difficult! 

So one funny story from this week. On thursday at work I was selling this mexican guy a beer, it had been a little busy and someone had put 3333 into the register. So when I go to charge for the beer I accidentally charge him for 3333 beers. I noticed it while swiping the card and had a mini heart attack but thought, "oh surely it will be declined, nobody has so much money laying around on their card." Oh no, the receipt came out and the guy had been charged 2.860.000 kronur, or 23 thousand dollars... why the hell would you have more than 23 thousand dollars on your card anyways? 

My boss then spent half an hour calling the banks emergency number to cancel the transaction. It finally all got fixed and I'm so happy this happened with this specific costumer, not someone uptight or in a bad mood! haha For the rest of the weekend I got people coming up to me that had heard about it from around the hostel going "Hey are you the girl that charges mexicans 23 thousand for a beer?" or hesitating while giving me their card going "I'm not mexican so don't overcharge me... and I want to see the receipt"

Another funny thing about this was that only 2 hours before I had been taking to my boss telling him this story about a woman I was working with this summer that had charged someone 75.000krónur for a coke. It was a hilarious story until I had to go to my boss later that evening explaining "You remember that woman I told you about before? yeah that just happened to me too, only, it wasn't a coke it was a beer and it wasn't 75 thousand, it was 2 million and 860 thousand" You can only imagine the look on his face hahah! 

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