Sunday, September 9

trip home

Finally after a 16 hour trip I have arrived at home. I'm tired and I want to go back to Austria! 

The last week has been wonderful in every way. I'm literally going from an Austrian fairy tale one day back to freezing Iceland & University the next day! First day of school is tomorrow since I've been away the last week. Now I better stack up with coffee and pull my shit together if I'm going to ace this semester. 

I swear to got I've gained like 5kg in the past week. If I didn't know any better I'd think Nate's dad produced mozart balls, his mom always had a sandwich ready and nate's mission in life is having his mouth full at all times!
The diet starts tomorrow... or you know, not an actual diet. More like a trying to go more towards the fruit section. I have a personal trainer, that I have not been using at all. Just got an email from him reminding me that you don't get fit unless you do something. jeez rub it in...

Now I've been going through some pictures from the trip and can't believe how few photo's I have. I literally have no pictures of myself from the trip haha! 

here are some pictures from the way home though...

Train station in Innsbruck

This really cute couple that was all mushy mushy for the whole 5 hours of the train ride. I wanted to spit on them. They were too happy and I was too alone hahaha! nono of course I was happy for them, maybe like 90% happy 10% jealous. 

wow think of actually living there. I could actually easily imagine having a holiday house in a place like this. So peaceful ! I spent hours looking out the window, you really see a lot of the country travelling by train.

London stansted here I come 

When is Starbucks ever going to come to Iceland? Probably good they're not here, I'd go broke from their mozzarella & pomodoro sandwich and frappuccino. mmmmmm! 

Sunset In London 

hahahahaha I love those head thingy's in the wow planes.
"Hi, I am your seat... nice to meet you, pleasure to have you sit on me"

Anyways, big day tomorrow. I better get some rest. I'll work on uploading those pictures asap. Goodnight! 

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