Saturday, September 22


Wonderful wonderful Austria! 
The whole week was so wonderful and amazing I can't even begin to describe it! 

The road that led up to the hotel 

These are so cute... piles of wooden logs everywhere. I think I love them especially much because we don't have tree's in Iceland. Everytime I go to a country with trees I just can't stop looking up and around like I just landed on the moon hahaha

How nice living in a place like this where your neighbors are miles away. Such big difference in the life there than in some big city like Rome 

Love how cute all the houses are, made out of wood and everywhere you'd go they'd have flowers hanging from the balcony

One day in Innsbruck. Nathan was trying to make it seem like he was eating the mountain... close enough!

Driving up the hill behind Innsbruck we got a really nice view over the city.

This is actually taken from a mcdonalds, believe it or not. The nicest McDonalds restaurant ever

again, from the McDonalds... the most romantic mcdonalds meal I've ever had hahaah

Driving again over Innsbruck some days later.. 

This was a BIG issue for me. I kept forgetting the keys in the damn door! I always opened the door and since Nate was walking in right after me I just kept leaving them in there assuming he'd take them. The next morning I'd always be turning the whole room upside down looking for the keys

Grass angels! hahhaah, I love just laying. If I find a nice spot where you kinda stop to look around and soak in the view I just lay down and stay. This night we went out eating, we went to this small place and I asked the waiter "Do you have any food?"
waiter "Yes, pizza" 
me "great, whats kinda of pizza?" 
waiter "House pizza" 
me "ok, but whats on the pizza?"
waiter "?" 
Me "like... what do you put on top of the pizza?" (of course showing with hand movements as well)
waiter "house!" 
great... so we had the pizza with a house as a topping

anyways, on the way back it was all dark and chilly and we find this spot that looked so cozy so we lay down and stay forever just talking about everything and nothing. The air was so cold but it was like you got some heat from the ground, if that makes any sense, because as soon as we laid down it wasn't cold anymore.

People really need to lay down more, gives you more of an opportunity to be in a nice place and relax in it, kinda like seeing, not just looking. 

This was my second time in Austria, I'd already been to lovely Vienna last summer where I was hosted by Dominik and this time added Salzburg, Linz & Innsbruck to the list. Then of course the countryside where we were staying and not to mention taking trains across Austria many times. 

What surprised me a lot was that in the smaller villages there were all these people dressed in their typical austrian clothes, something like this...

It was all very sound-of-music-ish! 

I can't wait to go back to Austria one day, such a characteristic country, I love it & it's so easy to travel within it + it boarders germany, czech republic, slovakia, hungary, slovenia, italy and switzerland (and Lichenstein if you want to count that in). Perfect! 

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