Thursday, September 20

kex party

Laugarvatn - I bet they have a picture of me on the door with a big X over my face. I can't imagine I'm very welcome after last Monday... 

Kex had a staff party. We started out at Kex tasting the new menu, which by the way was to die for. I didn't even know I liked half the things on there & now I can't wait to get to work just because we get a free meal every day. 
I haven't really gone out drinking in such a long time that just smelling the alcohol got me tipsy, my alcohol tolerance is so bad! You should also never ever go into hot water if you've been drinking. I actually learned that last year when I went to the blue lagoon after a party but in my stupidity I made the same mistake again. Never again! 

The beer got the front seat in the bus. We know how to prioritize. 

Making a pee-stop. second and last picture I took in this trip. probably a good thing anyways

I'm SUCH a clutz! I have bruises all over, even in the palm of my hand (who even knew you could get bruises there anyways?) all these injures are of course non-related to that monday night! 

Little miss excited to go out walking with me and Guðrún. So cute, I put the thing around her neck and ran upstairs to get another sweater, I get back down and she's in the exact same spot hardly able to move because its too heavy for her to drag around. I see myself in that dog, both so pathetically helpless! 

I got a tutor in statistics, right next to this beautiful spot in Reykjavík. Hallgrímskirkja... I'll be going there every week to get information stuffed into my head. The thing with psychology is that it's in the medical department but doesn't have an entry exam. Which means the teachers have to find another way to get half the class to fail, my statistics teacher has decided that giving vague explanation of things is a great solution. No way I'm failing that class, so private teacher here I come.  

Then I had to run to go to work, somehow I managed to take this picture on the way.

I have figured out a new system how to take the bus. I never seem to be at the right place at the right time to catch these stupid public transports so recently I've just been going to the next stop and just waiting for the next bus thinking it can't take me further away than I already am. It's actually worked out really well, so far I've at least always ended up where I wanted within an hour. 

Now I have to go feed myself, go to class and then go to a dale carnegie class the school is offering for free! yay! I've wanted to go for so long, this one is for goal-setting and actually not the one I wanted to go to, but close enough! :D

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