Tuesday, May 29

too optimistic?

Time optimistic 

What the hell is wrong with me, seriously? Why can I never be on time for anything, ever! 

This morning I was supposed to meet maddy for coffee at 9am, I woke up right before 7 because I was going to make A pancakes for breakfast and drive him to work so I would have the car.
At 8 min to 9 I find myself running around the apartment, I still hadn't eaten any breakfast, was not ready and on top on everything else I had no clue where I was going to meet her! 

How ?
I'm such a time optimist, I always calculate wrong how much time I need. If I'm supposed to be somewhere in 20 minutes and I know it takes 10 minutes driving there I will still leave the house 10 min to.
I never even so much as consider the fact that it maybe takes only 10 minutes driving there once I've hit the main road, or the fact that once I'm there I'll also have to look for parking and never EVER do I think of the fact that once I'm outside the house I still have to walk in (maybe from far away if there is no parking).

Setting my watch wrong only works on me two times out of six thousand, and having Adam over me screaming that I have to get ready also doesn't make me hurry at all, just makes me like him less. 

Charging optimist. 

I always think the battery of everything will last forever, at the moment my computer is battery dead along with the ipod, the Ipad is only on because I have it plugged in as I'm writing and my phone has been off for hours. 
I can't imagine how many times my family or friends have been mad at me because I'm impossible to reach, even when Adam and I just started going out my mom asked me for his number because else she would never find me. Sometimes she even called him before even trying to call me... awkward when your first starting to go out but oh well he's still with me so it can't have bothered him that much.

I refuse to believe that this is laziness, because I will arrive, just always fashionably late, classic 10 minutes. Not because I started preparing too late, believe me I could have 2 days to prepare and still be 10 minutes late.

From now on I'm always going to start going 5....even 10 minutes earlier than I would actually go 

Now I'm gonna get back to the dragon, seize the last moments I have with her/him? hahaha

Sunday, May 27


Today we went to a hockey game... or well there was no ice & they were on roller blades, not sure if its then still called hockey hahaha but anyways..

We came pretty late so we missed most of the game :/

It was actually fun watching the game, only 12 minutes at a time so you didn't get bored & unalike football I never got "the stare"... you girls that are with a football players know what I mean, how when you're watching a game, at some point you realize that you have actually just been staring at a worm or picking on a  spider the last 30 minutes.

We then, like little babies went to the game center to win me a penguin

...which we did. I think I'll have to sacrifice clothes in order to get all the penguins home, heeehh

hahahahah adam adam adam 


The night was so nice, watching a movie and cuddling in the couch like the last 1000 nights!

Maddy then came over with Erin, thank god Adam is such a kid lover so we just put them two together. Maddy didn't have to look after Erin & I didn't have to look after Adam

For the rest of the night I then went over to Maddy's and spent 4 hours having girly talk which I've recently found out is crucial ! I've never before noticed how much us girls need to express ourselves until I didn't have anyone to talk to except a boy, which is FAR from being the same.

If you tell a guy your problem they'll just come up with a solution for you, which in 99% of the times your not looking for, you just need to whine a little and someone that goes "oh yeah I know" or can even tell you something more embarrassing that happened to them. 


Friday, May 25

driving in australia

I can't get over the fact that soon we'll be home again and I will again have to get used to driving on the right side of the road. I just got used to driving on the left side & now I'll have to change again?? :( Why can't just everyone agree to do like 72% (yes, I googled it) of the world and keep it on the right side of the road?! 

"Just remember to stay on the left side" sounds pretty easy right?

Sure it is... (although I have one too many times caught myself driving on the wrong side of the road) but the fact is that there is so much more you have to be thinking about than just staying on the left side.... 

the whole car is completely wrong!

You sit in the wrong side of the car & that alone can be a little confusing, I don't think I've ever just gotten into the car without pausing for a few seconds standing in front of the car like a complete idiot thinking where I'm supposed to go, especially if I'm arriving to the car somewhere else than outside our house. I've only once been laughed at because of it though and that was by a guy with downs syndrome outside the supermarket, one of my brightest moments! Other times it's always with Adam & by the time I get in the wrong seat I just say "I'm driving" & think "... apparently.. egh" 

Both the windscreen cleaner & blinkers are also on the wrong side so when I'm making a turn, instead of letting people know in which direction I'm going I start cleaning my windows,great.. Then I get a little stressed I slam my hand in the door trying to change gears because the stick is also on the wrong side to what I'm used to.

Laws are holy.

At least when it comes to the speed limit. It's crazy how much Australians respect the speed limit! if your on a 80 road, the person in front and behind you are driving at EXACTLY 80 and as soon as you enter a 50 zone its as if the person in front of you has a panic attack and brakes as much as they can until they've reached exactly 50, or better yet, maybe 40... just to be on the safe side.


Another crazy thing about driving in Australia is that there are animals ALL OVER, so not only do you have to focus on being on the left side, watching the speed limit exactly but you'll also have to keep an eye out for animals bouncing all over the place. Rabbits, cats, snakes, possums & kangaroos, name it if they're anywhere it will be in Australia! The kangaroos also do this silly thing; if they jump over the street you should slow down because as soon as you're close to them they will cross the road AGAIN! Driving in the night is even worse, you're literally zick zacking the roads avoiding this & that animal, both dead & alive.

Silly road signs...

Watch out... not for kids like everywhere else, nono watch out for all the elderly people wondering around

Give way to the penguins..

Classic, watch out for the kangaroos

Stop creeping

Don't drive like a W-(Anchor)

Fatality stick, this one isn't a silly one, but they put them everywhere someone has died in a car crash 

Now if you see a mad person driving on the wrong side of the road in some months in Europe, that will be me!! 


Wednesday, May 23


Some pictures from when we went to the big apple. 

Times square 

Times square, as magical as it is, it still managed to shock me because I was expecting more. As we arrived there and were right in front of it I turn to A and ask "We're in time sq now, right?" and he answers something like "Yeah, well I'm pretty sure this is it". 

Coming from a small town in Iceland I really shouldn't even be allowed to criticize the center of New York city but it seems as if all the greatest places in the world have been so overly used in movies where they make them seem so insanely much bigger than they actually are, so when you finally arrive there you have to look around to make sure your in the right place. 

Everywhere you look it's FILLED with ads 

Sbarro's that made an honest try to kill Adam

I found elmo! 

Only the NYPD on times sq would have their sign in those glowing letters

The guy in front of me was so insanely big! Of course after having smoothly taken a picture with him in front of me we see the woman that had been walking next to Adam catches up to him and is obviously with him, ups! 

what? really, what?! guess it's easy to get around on a horse, but I was so shocked 

Staten Island Ferry 

We found out that Staten Island was closed because they were fixing the lady so one night we just took the Staten Island ferry to see it, would just be silly leaving without having seen her. 

& ofc it wouldn't have been a normal trip if we hadn't been the cheesy-in-love couple that we always are, hahaha

Arriving back to ny 


Monday, May 21

flu :(

For a week I've now had this stupid flu, god... enough is enough! :( In the beginning I was in denial that I was getting sick so I went hiking, after having to return back because I was being a big baby I decided that from that moment on I'd just lay in bed and feel sorry for myself until it would be over & that's exactly what I did! 

I was soo cold all the time so in the night I had the heater on 24° and poor A was dying next to me he was so hot! 

We kinda lost our senses & rented half the store (1$ movies for a week, how can you not?)

On Saturday night I decided I had been whining enough so we went to a birthday, which actually ended up with us going downtown and then to Jason's summer house where we slept until 6 in the morning when we got a ride home again, only 13 hours after we first left our house! hahah

Surprisingly enough we both woke up like there had been no drinking the day before and in the night I had a little girls night out with April & Maddy, we went to see that five year engagement movie which was rather disappointing considering Marshal was playing the main role... we then went to the beach house for some pizza & after to maddy's house for some wine, wonderful! 

I'm still feeling a bit sick, but whats getting me through is cuddling and watching a movie tonight and then having my wonderful penguins waiting for me tomorrow, I'm missing them terribly at the moment 
